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Amadeus last won the day on April 8

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About Amadeus

  • Birthday 08/26/1977

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    Isle of Man
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    Councillor for Douglas South. All views my own.

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  1. Gubay used to drive a beat up VW Golf and dress like a homeless person. I know a few other millionaires and billionaires you wouldn’t be able to tell are loaded. Not everyone is vulgar flashy new money driving Cuntinan rollers.
  2. I still have pics somewhere of the digger and other equipment under water when they built quay west and it flooded.
  3. Extraordinary rendition. Moorhouse has been asking too many questions.
  4. The US literally owns GPS and can switch it off at the flick of a button. That’s more meant for war times but they do control it.
  5. https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/gps-jammers-could-be-used-in-santon-this-week/?
  6. They would be enough if we didn’t have 8000 government employees.
  7. Saw that story as well and thought what a dumb thing to say by her. They really don't understand their job, do they?
  8. Looks like things are going really well there again: https://web.facebook.com/lee.mayers.7/posts/pfbid0gRo34ab7YVm8o3Un5CU23Lw13HH7g7nUuzsAbr5nPQQbQtv7vu5EAkk529uiiGqol
  9. To think the people who came up with this shit actually get paid is mad.
  10. Now you’ve given me an idea…
  11. What happened there? Sorry, not following that story.
  12. That drop off change is seriously the dumbest idea they've come up with in quite some time.
  13. Seeing how much that place charges for coffee, it's safe to assume the perpetrator has now retired to a tropical island and bought himself a lambo.
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