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Spain At Last

Well in July I was feeling I was on the downward slope to enjoyment of my Spanish dream   I now feel even nearer   Two years ago my partner lost driving licence, Drink Drive. So I have been driving up and down to Spain on my own. Now has new shiny licence and passed test so can share the load and drive all other vehicles.   We have a fleet. motor home, smart to tow behind, I have a Disco 3 to tow the trailer then there is a Citroen in Spain so we don't have to hire, an Audi TT for fun, a F

John Wright

John Wright


Found this on a forces website today:   Although he could not say with words the love he felt inside, He treasured every moment and his heart would fill with pride, He never said I love you but he came to every game, Even in defeat his son knew he loved him just the same, He'd pat him on the head Or maybe ruffle up his hair, And tell him he was proud of him as long as he played fair, When he graduated college I love you wasn't said, He smiled as he shook his hand mumbling, well d



1000 Things To Do B4 You Die

999 and counting - I've just got broadband in and its fab. All pre-configured with female friendly instructions - its a doddle! Let me see, whats next? Oh yes - medieval walled cities of Europe - by train...woohoooooo! And so on and so forth! I went to Reading this year (998) - I was one of only 10 people over 30 there and probably 1 of only 4 over 45! What you doing here Grandma? Bless, you don't think they let people your age organise these things?....smirk...! And no I dont know where



Remembrance Sunday

Prayer for Peace Pope John Paul II   To you, Creator of nature and humanity, of truth and beauty, I pray: Hear my voice, for it is the voice of the victims of all wars and violence among individuals and nations. Hear my voice, for it is the voice of all children who suffer and will suffer when people put their faith in weapons and war. Hear my voice, when I beg you to instil into the hearts of all human beings the wisdom of peace, the strength of justice and the joy of fellowship. Hear

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

We Come From, And Return To, Dust

Memento homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem revertis.   Remember man, that dust thou art, and to dust thus shalt return.   Found this on some web site. It made me stop and think. The Latin and King James style English give its succinctness multiple allusions; for me it conjures up images of tombs and catacombs; and Medieval monks berating their flock. It isn't a topic dwelled upon much in this (modern) age; true though it remains.   And there I pause: it is true, we will all rot and



Why Wear A Poppy (don Crawford)

"Please wear a poppy," the lady said, And held one forth, but I shook my head, Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there, And her face was old and lined with care;   But beneath the scars the years had made There remained a smile that refused to fade. A boy came whistling down the street, Bouncing along on care-free feet.   His smile was full of joy and fun, "Lady," said he, "may I have one?" When she'd pinned it on, he turned to say; "Why do we wear a poppy today?"   T

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Global Warming - A Different Approach

Below is an article from the Washington Post which sums up Bjorn Lomborg views on how Global Warming should be tackled not by a revised Kyoto agreement but by much less expensive methods. I support CO2 reduction policies but I believe we must not ignore the alternatives such as these propounded by the "Skeptical Environmentalist"   Stop fighting over global warming — here’s the smart way to attack it. By Bjorn Lomborg Sunday, October 7, 2007 COPENHAGEN   All eyes are on Greenland’s meltin

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

The World Lives!

The world breathes and is alive!   If you access:   www.breathingearth.net   the whole concept will come alive for you.   Listen to the sounds and look at all the CO2 being emitted around the world. Perhaps it will bring home to you the major issues which we face in our world today.

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

A Last Prayer To Wmf Members

Today the wmf - a campaigning forum - closes. I have put this prayer on the site for members who will now find a new home, hopefully some on here.   May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships so that you may live deep within your heart   May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace   May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffe

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

End Of The Internet

GOOGLE HUMOUR   This message is to all the Forum and internet addicts from Google:   The End of the Internet   Congratulations! This is the last page. Thank you for visiting the End of the Internet. There are no more links.   You must now turn off your computer and go do something productive.   Go read a book, for pete's sake.

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

All Through The Night

Sleep my child and peace attend thee, All through the night Guardian angels God will send thee, All through the night Soft the drowsy hours are creeping Hill and vale in slumber sleeping, I my loving vigil keeping All through the night.   While the moon her watch is keeping All through the night While the weary world is sleeping All through the night O'er they spirit gently stealing Visions of delight revealing Breathes a pure and holy feeling All through the night.   Love, to

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

In Defence Of Shopping...

In defence of shopping .... This week is One World Week and the One World Centre working in conjunction with Amnesty International IoM, are asking for your help them to weave a giant shopping basket as part of their new campaign “shop to make a difference”!   During this year of the Bi-centenary of the abolition of the slave trade they have been raising awareness that slavery still exists today, and that we still play a part in it. “Shop to make a difference” is a new initiative asking peopl

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Benjamin Zephaniah

This is a poem from one of my favorites - Benjamin Zepahaniah. He was born in Birmingham, lives in London and is heavilyinfluenced by Jamaica. He has travelled the world many times accumulating loads of honorary doctorates but turned down an OBE in 2003 - no "Empire" for him. He has campaigned for human and animal rights since forever.   Nature Trail from "The Little Book of Vegan Poems"   At the bottom of my garden There's a hedgehog and a frog And a lot of creepy-crawlies Living und

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

"red Herring" - Al Gore,the Climate Sceptics And The Bbc

I received this by email this morning:   MEDIA ALERT: "RED HERRING" - Al Gore, The Climate Sceptics And The BBC >>> >>> On October 10, the BBC's Ten O'Clock News led with the story that a High >>> Court Judge had found nine "errors" in Al Gore's climate film, 'An >>> Inconvenient Truth', which the UK government has been sending to schools >>> around the country. As a result, by way of "balance", the government will >>> now be require

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Whats That Smell?

I've finally got my act together and paid via the miracle of paypal - phew.   Is there a news black out? Someone ended up in a coma after a serious accident and this is not worthy of a single report?   "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire




It is October. That can only mean one thing to the beer swilling hordes of the world - beer festivals. I suppose we have ours in June not to mention the rest of the year!   Most have it in October and you tend to think of Munich. Well that is as maybe but it is not only Germans. In fact the Germans are outclassed by the citizens of the Czech Republic. Per capita, they drink 42 gallons (160 litres) of beer annually, the highest (in more ways than one) rate of consumption in the world.  

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Does Gore Misrepresent The Truth?

This is a debate which has been going on in Canada and published by the National Post which is reproduced below.     So how did An Inconvenient Truth become required classroom viewing? Even climate change experts say many of the claims in Al Gore's film are wrong.   Kevin Libin National Post     Saturday, May 19, 2007       CREDIT: Al Gore   First it was his world history class. Then he saw it in his economics class. And his world issues class. And his environment class. In

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn


Don't be in love with yourself. There's more in life than your body. Are you getting a university education just to earn more money? There's nothing wrong with having money, but when money becomes your god, something is wrong. Be thankful. Forgive and avoid holding grudges. There are people who live just to mark and stain the character of others.

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Solzhenitsyn-a Prayer To God.

Humankind invariably suffers. One man who certainly endured enormous suffering was Alexander Solzhenitsyn who endured eight years in Soviet prisons and concentration camps.   However he is still able to pray: How easy it is to live with you, O Lord.   "How easy to believe in You. When my spirit is overwhelmed within me, When even the keenest see no further than the night, And know not what to do tomorrow, You bestow on me the certitude That you exist and are mindful of me, That a

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Climate Change - Some Notes From A Lecture.

What is climate change? “Global Warming” - doesn't tell the whole story Certainly a rise in global air temperature This means more energy is fed into weather systems So more extreme weather conditions – frequency and intensity More and worse hurricanes Flooding Reduced landmass due to sea level rise What causes climate change? Increased CO2, methane, etc in atmosphere Gases trap heat like the glass of greenhouse Greenhouse gases released from long-term storage in ground Fossil fuels

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Investigative Journalism Part Ii

Gavin Macfadyen, director of Centre for Investigative Journalism in London. Speech last year at another event.       Speech:   What we are here to celebrate is of course Investigative Journalism!   It is “uncovering something somebody wants kept secret”and   Exposing social conditions or institutional conduct that has been ignored, by-passed or kept hidden in fear of governments and the wealthy and powerful.   The central social importance of investigative reporting is its abilit

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

The Revenge Of Gaia

I'm part reading The Revenge of Gaia at the moment. It’s about the 4th book sitting on my bed side table, so if my main book(s) bore me it is possible for me to get down to it to browse.   A quote in the introduction by Sir Crispin Tichell caught my imagination and I've been mulling it round my mind for a bit.     The Revenge of Gaia page xiv.   I totally agree with the second sentence but the first one troubles me: "a single, self regulating system"?   For all the obscure reasons I



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