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Newsnight Joke

A seasonal joke from Gavin Esler at Newsnight:   Last Christmas I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the Flower and jewellery applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.   In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5 and then installed undesirable programs such as: Football 5.0, Rugby 4.3 and Cricket 3.0.   Conversa

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn


Back on "Warrior Radio" at the moment, and the song they're playing has got to be one of the best I have ever heard - ever...   Remix: Nightwish vs Zimmer & Rabin   Think a band where every member studied music (Nightwish) vs huge Hollywood score composers - this song must be the reason why speakers were invented - big speakers..   I think my neigbours might hate me now..oh well, off to find that song on CD somewhere...



Festive Spirit

I was at the pulrose power station traffic lights waiting to go right onto the main drag about 1115am today and 2 cars in front of me was a campervan. As people drove round the corner they waved and smiled and were still smiling as they continued on. I though 'blimey that bloke must know alot of folk, must be all of his friends in convoy coming down the road!'   Anyway when we got round the corner and still more people smiling and waving, he turned off right and I was able to see Father Chri



Officially Christmas

George Michael (when he was straight!) singing 'last Christmas' has to herald the start of the festive season for me.   I have good news, went to Liverpool Royal yesterday - the specialists have said we dont need to visit them for a year! They say that were it not for the fact that we are part of a trial for a new treatment they would not be seeing us at all, but the trial has protocols for data collection and they have to be followed. I'm trying hard to feel like partying, and I know it soun



A Neverending Story...

Just sitting in front of the computer - as usual - working away on stuff, and listening to online radio while doing so - for some reason, I thought I try a station called "Warrior Radio" on Live365.com, the site I usually use to listen to stuff.   The station name just sounded interesting, and I kind of expected something really bad, but know what: The first song to hit my ears was 'Atreyu's Quest' by Klaus Doldinger, from the soundtrack to "The Neverending Story" ("Die Unendliche Geschichte"



Carol For Christmas

Christmas Hymn to be sung to the tune of “The Ash Grove”   When Joseph and Mary so wearily wended Their way from their cottage in Nazareth’s street, Then slept with the oxen in Bethlehem’s stable, And laid in a manger their Baby so sweet, Enduring discomfort and squalor and hardship, Compelled by a merciless tyrant’s decree, Few were there on earth who in such tribulation God’s greatness and goodness and glory could see.     God’s glory we see in the sun, moon and planets, In ri

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore

Thursday 14th December 2006 - Film - Al Gore's "an inconvenient truth" Manx Museum Theatre Douglas - 2 showings @ 6.00pm and 7.45pm - Admission free - for tickets phone 863106 or e mail info@positiveactiongroup.org "You owe it to yourself to see this film" - "global warming is a real and present danger"   First showing now full. Second showing tickets still available

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Long Time, No Write...

It's been a while since I posted anything here - must have had something to do with that election.. Well, plenty of time again now - sort of, anyway - always something coming along to keep me occupied...   Can't really think of anything too exciting to write at the moment, so just paste the lyrics of a song I really like - had it on in the car today on "way too loud" - like it It's from VNV Nation, and called Perpetual - worth getting, for sure..   Perpetual   [January 2005]   Find it



Questions On Sustainability Sent To Election Candi

ISLAND AGENDA 21   Contact:   Chairman: Charles Flynn.     QUESTIONS FOR ELECTION CANDIDATES NOV 2006   1 Will you encourage SUSTAINABILITY and if so how will you incorporate it into the government’s decision-making process? What is your understanding of the term "sustainability"?   2 According to some legal firms there is a real possibility of negligence being proved because of lack of action on CLIMATE CHANGE. What should the IOM government do about coping with climate change?  

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

The Manx Church

THE MANX CHURCH   CHARLES FLYNN, READER, SODOR & MAN – Church of England Central Readers Council Executive Member     Ellan Vannin (Isle of Man) Isle of Man residents are accustomed to being asked about Manx cats, kippers, the T.T. races and Tynwald, the oldest continuous parliament in the world. When I meet Reader colleagues on the adjacent Isle (this is the way the Manx refer to mainland UK – the Isle of Man is the mainland!) they usually peer at my name badge and ask about Sodor &a

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Sermon 2 Kings 22

All Saints EP EP/CF 2 Kings 22 In the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. This evening we are going back to the days of King Josiah - some 600 years BC. Three hundred years earlier King David’s kingdom had been split into two. Israel with 10 of the 12 original tribes had been captured by Assyria and so formed the Northern kingdom. The two remaining tribes constituted the Southern kingdom of Judah. Judah had been lucky, as they had just escaped the fate of Isra

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Sermon Revelation 3, 7-end

All Saints EP Revelation 3, 7-end EP/CF 26.11.06 In the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. This evening we go to the last Book of the Bible to a book, which many of you are too scared to read. Hidden in the opening chapters is a story of seven very different churches. By studying them, we can learn much about our church, ourselves and others in our church. They are representative of all churches. The book of Revelation was written as a letter and it was intended to

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

An Advent Sermon Luke 21,25-36

All Saints Celtic Communion 3.12.06 Advent 1 Luke 21, 25-36 In the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.   I bring you good news. We are now in the season of Advent. We are waiting during this special time for the coming of Jesus. Anticipation and preparation are the order of the season. This is the spirit of Advent - expectant, preparation, longing. The word Advent means “coming” or “arrival” The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus th

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Old Dogs

Well, the fates must have been having themselves a good chortle at my last post. The other day I came home early - feeling ill and the dog managed to eat half the compost in my newly planted pots along with several varieties of spring flowering bulbs. The cost of the vet was £116 - thanks very much. In case you're interested daff bulbs are extremely poisonous - need to be flushed out of the system within 2 hours otherwise its seriously close to goodbye doggie.   It WAS seriously close to goo



From Freedom To Fascism: A Critique!

I’ve just watched a documentary by Aaron Russo.  What to make of it. What fascinates me is how people are using both traditionally left AND traditionally right wing arguments to turn what are basically free market ideas of liberal democracy into an Aunt Sally or whipping boy for the anti-globalization movement.   I have to admit I do wonder if I am using the correct word in describing this movie being as part of the anti-globalization movement – as alluded to above there are themes of ant



Climate Change Manx Independent

Another reply to Dr. Alsop. I do not know how I got into this correspondence in the Manx Independent but I've sent this reply to Dr Alsop's letter published 3.11.06. It was not published.   Sir,   Like Dr. Alsop, I agree any debate on the monetary value of human life is fraught with many ethical problems. However, to inform him as he requests, presently an estimated 150,000 people die annually because of global climate change due to air pollution, extreme heat events, infectious diseases

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Reply To Dr Alsop's Letter In Independent

Dr Alsop's reply to my letter on climate change (Manx Independent 20.10.06) contained many spurious and misleading remarks.   1. He mentions "pernicious regulation and the unjustified use of taxation for ill-conceived intervention". Contrary to his view, the main UK political parties accept the need for "green taxation". In the USA, states such as California are leading the way on measures to prevent climate change. If the existence of climate change is accepted. it is logical to support re

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Blog And Website

Blimey, quite long ago that I posted something here... Well, at the moment I'm still working on my election website www.realchange.im - it's got a Blog as well, so that's where most things are posted at the moment - drop by and have a look if you want...



Old Horses

Decided to use the blog to comment on a news story this week about the two old horses that were put down as part of the will of their owner who had died. It's contraversial, I know, but here's another viewpoint, and I dont write this to invite comment or animal rights email - it's just a blog.   Back in the way-back-when, when I used to ride work for a hunting stables - the elderly gent whose horses were my particular job shocked my fluffy thellwell heart to the core when he told me that his



Voodoo Child

It's my birthday this month - next year I should reach the big 5 0 - all things being equal B)   My son is back with us from where ever the bodysnatchers took him and things are progressing fairly quietly, for which I give thanks to whatever star system decided to give me a dig out. Take me to your leader that I may give him/her/it/them a big sloppy kish - mwah mwah darlink.   I have to dust off the funeral coat yet again tommorrow. And probably the funeral umbrella and wet weather gear a



Anne Craine Mhk "families"

The Positive Action Group had Mrs Anne Craine MHK as their guest speaker last evening. Anne gave a very well presented and thought provoking talk on "Counting the Cost of Families in Crisis".   She told us that she places great store on family values and the community. She went on to prove it.   She spoke about parents today being seen more as "providers" rather than "carers", which in her view was the wrong way around. The nuclear family is breaking down. There are major health concerns

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Climate Change

Manx_Independant_letter_25.9.rtf.rtfLetter sent to Manx Independent   The Editor, Manx Independent   Letter from Charles Flynn, 31 First Avenue, Douglas. Tel: 673925.   Sir,   With reference to Dr Fox and Mr Alsop’s letters on Climate Change (MI 22.9.06). Whilst I am very pleased, Dr Fox is supportive of the Government recognising the importance of Climate Change it is incorrect to state that the scoping study the DLGE has commissioned focussed on mitigating and adapting to clima

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Recycling Is "resource Recovery"

Attended Zero Waste Man event at Loch Parade sorry the Promenade Methodist Church last evening. Two great speakers and experts on recycling - Mal Williams from Wales and Iain Gulland gave us a three hour insight into how waste can be managed. Dudley Butt MLC chaired the meeting. However only 38 attended which was rather disappointing for the organisers.   Basically the advice was to keep it simple.   1. Put waste in separate bins   2. Collect material for recycling weekly   3.Everybody

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

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