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Where We Live

Raise the age to buy cigarettes to 18. Lower the voting age to 16 BUT you can't be given advice about homosexuality in school, oh no... an irony to savour fully if it wasn't such a serious issue.   Meanwhile, back at the ranch... number 1 son is now giving us grief about how he felt left out and not considered in any way shape or form last year. Kids, eh?! You just cannot win. I may just lie down in a darkened room and scream and scream till I'm sick. Never expect to be allowed a moment



Blogging Again

It has been the longest I have been without blogging or editing Toms Blog but now I will give a catch up.   First of all, who wants to read about how someone is struggling over Christmas, the New Year and Birthdays with depression. That was where I was at leading up to Christmas and after, continually dipping. I only started to come out of it last weekend. It isn't something people want to read on a blog or perhaps that I want to write in too much detail. One of the effects is a lack of motiv



Treasure Hunting - First Try...

Right - I've got my brand new Metal Detector for over a week now, but didn't really get a chance to try it out yet, mainly thanks to work. So this morning, after finishing another night shift, I decided to finally try it out on Douglas Beach - just to see if and how it actually works... You know how it feels when you get a new toy - you want to try it out as soon as you get it - its an urge, something that just needs to be done, no matter what....   Like all new hobbies, this one seems to be a



The Beast Is Back

Finally, finally, my little Jag is back on the road - booked it in for service and repairs before christmas, and its finally done. Haven't got the bill yet, so I'm still smiling - bottle of JD and large glass are at the ready, though - just in case I need them at the moment of truth - opening an envelope can be a nerve wrecking experience... At least I didn't give it to Jaguar to get fixed - that would have ruined me properly, looking at their rates...   Well, she's back on the road, and drive



Ebay And Other Vices

I've not written for a while, been hanging around with my pal ebay. Doesn't ask anything from me, I can wander through the most amazing shops becoming increasingly smug that however wierd I may be or people may think I am - there are still several layers between me and double ended rubber cod pieces in dayglo orange with furry tassels. Ok I made that one up, but I bet if I looked for them..! I've started going to the 'buy' page and surfing the shops on the 'most bookmarked' list. I try to gues



Blogging Again

It has been the longest I have been without blogging or editing Toms Blog but now I will give a catch up.   First of all, who wants to read about how someone is struggling over Christmas, the New Year and Birthdays with depression. That was where I was at leading up to Christmas and after, continually dipping. I only started to come out of it last weekend. It isn't something people want to read on a blog or perhaps that I want to write in too much detail. One of the effects is a lack of motiv



I'll Start Again

It has been the longest I have been without blogging or editing Toms Blog but now I will give a catch up.   First of all, who wants to read about how someone is struggling over Christmas, the New Year and Birthdays with depression. That was where I was at leading up to Christmas and after, continually dipping. I only started to come out of it last weekend. It isn't something people want to read on a blog or perhaps that I want to write in too much detail. One of the effects is a lack of motiv




Some recent study came to the conclusion that the average working person feels happiest around payday - wow, must have been rocket scientists to work that one out..   They also concluded that the level of "general happiness" within the working population declines day by day after that, only to reach a high again on the next payday - the things people research. I sometimes wonder who pays for studies like that...   Well, according to this, I have to be very happy today - end of the month, an




Good news this week - at least I hope so. My little Jag is currently in the garage to get a service, and apart from the bits I knew about, nothing else seems to be wrong with it. That's quite remarkable for an old Jaguar - usually, there's always something else that needs to be fixed. I've just learned that the old XJ-S had the nickname "Racing Oil leak" in years gone by - doesn't make you feel any better when one is parked outside your house....   Can't wait to get it back, though - cruising



How Long?

Seriously - has it really been almost a month since my last post?! Bloody Nora! Well, what can i say? Not much has happened in this past month (well, nothing i can post just yet anyway )   I'm settling down ok, bit tricky at first, but i'm slowly easing my way back into kiwi life. One thing that has caught my attention is how slow and laid back things are here. I mean, I thought the island was slow, but sheesh, you guys are the hare to our turtle! For example, i went to the bank the othe



Just Another Morning

Hm..this daily blog thing really doesn't work... There are loads of things running through my head every day, many probably worth remembering in one way or another, but somehow, I'm lacking the motivaion to start a new entry and write them down every day...   At least, I'm still adding something to it every other day, and still feel motivated enough to keep it going.. I know I'll probably enjoy reading any entries in a few weeks/months/years time - reason enough to click on "new entry" once i



Reasons To Be Cheerful

After much blood taking and scanning and the like, we hardly had time to sit down in the professor's side-kick's office to be told, no more drugs, no more poking, not more bloods, everything has gone and is going to plan, come back in a month. I felt more than heard the 'now bugger off'! I felt somewhat agrieved at not getting a fanfare and at least a round of applause.....and then belatedly remembered the time they spent with us when we were terrified and liable to lash out at anyone, from the



Another Sunday

Just started a topic about Religion - kind of interesting, that.. What would the world be like without it? Tried to imagine it, but couldn't - do we really need to believe in something "higher"? And if we wouldn't believe in God - or whatever name we may call him by - what would we believe in?   Would we really just believe in something else? Would we worship football clubs? Would we have the "Church of Chelsea", praying to the "special one"? No idea...keeps me thinking, though... Why do we b



Saturday Morning

Yipieh! Made it trough another week then. Saturday morning always feels good - mainly because I'm off for three days after this - not back to work until rather late on Tuesday night.   Decided to enjoy a quiet pint after work today - a rare occasion that, and it's out of the can as Pubs usually don't open this early (unless there's a Rugby World Cup at the other end of the world). In the end, it's evening for me now, so why not.. The process of buying beer at shortly past 8am is still a rathe



New Year New Life

I fizzed all the way through the festive celebrations. I decided to start early at about lunchtime on Christmas Eve and slowly but steadily worked up to the big champagne-fest that is New Year. I am pleased to say I did not get out of my jim jams all day on New Years day, spending most of it under the duvet with a very bad case of dehydration. I danced my way into 2006 and although I felt awful, at least my body didn't ache - so the gym visits must be doing me some good. We intended to have a q



Another Day

Hm..so much for keeping a "daily blog" then - never been good at writing diaries..   I got a little diary as a present when I was younger - one of these old fashioned thingies, requiring you to use a pen or pencil to add an entry. Proper little book, though, with a tiny little padlock at the front - not that it would really have prevented anyone from finding out what was written inside - I mean, you could have put chewing gum on the front of it and it would have been more secure, but I liked i



Day 2

Another night over then - good.. It's strange how some nights feel as if they have no end, and others just fly past you - tonight felt quick.   Finishing work at 8am enables me to walk home and study the rat race in all it's detail - all the cars driving into town, all the people walking past me on their way to work - smartly dressed and still smelling of soap, perfume or after shave from their morning bathroom routine - their facial expressions varying from "I'm so motivated" to "I so can't b



Off We Go Then..

Tuesday, 3rd of January 2006 - start of the official Amadeus Weblog then.   Not that I would have loads of exciting things to share with anyone, but I thought it might be a good idea to keep track of the events a year brings. I can never really remember what I actually did in the last year ( can't even remember what I did last month or week, to be honest) - all the little things that are probably worth remembering, but that aren't automatically saved on the grey harddrive in my head - feels a



First Day At Work

Bugga me!!! i'm absolutely shattered. So much for me thinking that working for my sister would be a piece of piss!   My working day began at 9am, but at least i didn't have to leave the house, my sister dropped my niece in for me to look after. Fortunately I had my mum at home so she was entertained by the two of us, until 11am when I had to walk her back home. Now, this doesnt seem so difficult, but............ when the walk takes 1 hour and your fitness level is not at its best, or even



Christmas Day/boxing Day

Well, 6am and i'm the only one up! Mother is fast asleep snoring her head off and after having opened my stocking from Santa, i'm looking at the presents under the tree and drooling. Is it too early to wake her? Better not i think, and after being online for an hour, i pop back to bed and wait for christmas to begin.   9am she gets up - so i bounce out of bed, into the lounge smiling and wishing all the joy in the world and can we open the presents now? shock bloody horror, the woman say



Back Home - The Beginning

OK, so after a 28 hour flight, which actually wasn't all that bad, i landed at Auckland International Airport at 5.30am (much to my mothers annoyance lol). After queing for what seemed like eternity, i finally got my bags and went through arrivals at 6.15am!! There she was, my dear old ma, greyer than i remembered and oddly, shorter   The drive home only took about 25 mins and waiting for me at the door was my Grandma who had come up from Wahi (about a 2 hour drive to Auckland - well, 1½ h



Season's Greetings

to one and all, miseryguts is not buying cards this year, but will be making a donation to a local charity. No prizes for guessing which one.   I'm shopped out, dreading joining the M&S queue tommorrow for the damn turkey that seemed like such a fab idea last month. Why cant we all have fish and chips instead?! I went and stood near the food area in M&S at high noon today but even with me loins girded, suited booted and spurred I still couldn't hack it. Turned and ran squealing like



Nigel Is 19 Now And..

on his gap year teaching in Australia with his partner Arnie from Holland. And you remember Louise, that married the circus performer, well surprisingly enough she's having a baby..!   Heaven help me, it is the round robin season......arrrrrghh! Why Oh Why Oh Why!!!?   I'm on 3 and counting.



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