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Leukaemia 0 John 1

John Wright


It's 9 weeks today since I was first admitted. I'm feeling much better. Still in Liverpool.,. Treatment going well. Drs pleased.

I've .three more days of chemotherapy before I'm discharged for 2 weeks on 29 November.

Returning to IoM on 2nd December.

Then on 14 December I start phase  2. That is four blocks of 4 weeks chemo twice per week with each block separated by two weeks break. So that's until end May.

The really good news is that apart from 5 days induction to phase 2, and monthly clinics in Liverpool, Nobles Isle of Man Hospital have agreed to deliver phase 2 chemo in their cancer day centre and are sending over a specialist nurse to be trained in the experimental trial I'm on which involves arsenic trioxide.

I'm looking forward to my own bed, the dogs, the Island, and doing a tiny bit of work.

Thanks to everyone for visits, good wishes, gallons of lucozade and lots of chocolate.

I've got weekend leave this weekend and I'm showing a friend from Bulgaria around Liverpool and the the weekend of 9/10 December Paul  and I are getting our lives back on track and going to see Nutcracker in Edinburgh


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