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Tales Of The Unexpected



War is still progressing, though at a steady 15 miles an hour rather than formula one monaco style of previous weeks, to allow a spot of re-grouping and creative gardening and dazzling footwork. Thought about playing the sex card, but I cant stop the nausea long enough to make a plan involving 'that'. So, everything above board and shipshape and gentlemanly it will be. Marquis of Queensbury rules and all that good stuff, pip pip and may the best man win etc etc.... I cant help it if the intended victim doesn't even know it's a jungle out here - never mind a war!! heh heh heh...A fifth columnist within the building has donated some WHITE blu-tack, and left it upon my desk in the shape of a snowman.... good cop or bad cop, we wonders mr frodo, yes we doessssss.....


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