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Fear Of The Unknown



So we sat, witnesses for the victim, injections and tablets and finally, watching as the drip did its hateful/wonderful job, red as blood and stinking like nail varnish remover...waiting for nausea and vile sickness or worse... and waited, and waited some more... it didn't happen, and even though the nurses had 'I told you so' writ large upon their foreheads, we said nothing and slid out for a pint whilst the patient watched eastenders...!Chemo works by killing off rapidly reproducing cells at the point of division. unfortunately it is like a bullet - it doesn't know who is innocent and who is not and kills all such cells - which is why your hair falls out, your skin flakes off and you get mouth ulcers etc etc etc. See, when its explained to you, you can understand. The next lot is more of the same here, but the week after is the really toxic stuff. We'll be away overnight again for that lot. Whilst I wish things were anything other than they are, I'm glad to put my child in the hands of the experts at the Royal Liverpool, they really really do inspire confidence and individual care. We had a blip in the beginning, but they've made up for it now.As for the complimentary, all that has been put on hold for the big push, not that they dont think it would work, but that I am afraid it will interfere with the treatment. Did I tell you I went into the Chapel at the hospital and thanked God for giving my child something that is curable? No, I thought not.


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