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Off We Go Then..



Tuesday, 3rd of January 2006 - start of the official Amadeus Weblog then.


Not that I would have loads of exciting things to share with anyone, but I thought it might be a good idea to keep track of the events a year brings. I can never really remember what I actually did in the last year ( can't even remember what I did last month or week, to be honest) - all the little things that are probably worth remembering, but that aren't automatically saved on the grey harddrive in my head - feels a bit as if I'm running under Windows at times...


Well, today then: Got up way too early - 3pm is no time to face the world. Thought I use this rare opportunity to see some daylight and head to the bank'n stuff. The bank unfortunately thought different - by the time I changed into human shape and made it out of the house, it was 4.30 and the bank was shut - great, could have stayed in bed then...


Went to Marks'n Sparks instead, and managed to grab the last two bowls of my favourite salad from the shelf - that stuff is usually always sold out before I make it down there, so some compensation then...


Supermarkets are strange places anyway - the behaviour patterns of some people participating in "yellow sticker hunt" at Tesco often remind me in a frightening way of vultures waiting for prey - doesn't matter if you really need 15 packs of value pork sausages or 12 grilled chickens - it's cheap, so we want it! And we definitely don't want to lose out to the fellow shoppers who dare to approach the shelf at the same time - subtle eye contact with a hint of anger and determination, as well as a slight increase in speed for the final approach send out a clear signal: "They're not yours! They're mine!" I guess a military background could sometimes be an advantage in there...


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