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Day 2



Another night over then - good.. It's strange how some nights feel as if they have no end, and others just fly past you - tonight felt quick.


Finishing work at 8am enables me to walk home and study the rat race in all it's detail - all the cars driving into town, all the people walking past me on their way to work - smartly dressed and still smelling of soap, perfume or after shave from their morning bathroom routine - their facial expressions varying from "I'm so motivated" to "I so can't be ar..." - interesting to watch, that..


Feels a bit like groundhog day at times - the same people, the same cars, every day... I can even tell if someone's late by now: If I see certain cars while walking home, then I know they're on time. If I seem them when I'm already at home and brushing my teeth (my bathroom window overlooking the road from the nunnery to south quay), then I know they're probably late - sad somehow, I know - but such is life...


So the next time you drive into Douglas in the morning - give us a wave! I'm the guy with the electric toothbrush in his mouth, who's wearing a white dressing gown and just about to go to bed...


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