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Another Sunday



Just started a topic about Religion - kind of interesting, that.. What would the world be like without it? Tried to imagine it, but couldn't - do we really need to believe in something "higher"? And if we wouldn't believe in God - or whatever name we may call him by - what would we believe in?


Would we really just believe in something else? Would we worship football clubs? Would we have the "Church of Chelsea", praying to the "special one"? No idea...keeps me thinking, though... Why do we believe in things we don't even know ever happened or existed? Do we need the reassurance? Do we require a quick and simple answer to all our "complicated questions", so we can get on with our pathetic little lifes? That one's gonna keep me busy for a while...


Listening to Live365 at the moment - EBM Radio, my favourite station, on full blast via headphones - still a Goth inside then...


Couldn't see anything wrong with that - seems to be the only kind of music and the only group of people that generally accepts you the way you are - no questions about the colour of your skin, no comments about your religion (there's that one again then), and no requirement to wear a certain brand - although you may get some funny looks if you turn up at a Lacrimosa concert dressed in white - you'll get over it, and will soon realize that black might have been a more appropriate choice - not that it would really matter, as long as you enjoy being there...


Just be yourself - that's the message I was tought when I "joined the movement", and I've never felt any more at home... I've seen a few "goths" in town here over the years, and still admire their bravery - such a shame that so many people look down on them and secretly think "what freaks" - you should respect them for expressing their individual beliefs and looks on life in a world that is so totally uniform and blank - I always looked at them, and wished I knew them better, simply because I so much feel the same, but unfortunately can't walk around the way they do, simply because capitalism has got the better of me - if you're one of the people I passed in Strand Street over the years, pm me..


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