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The Beast Is Back



Finally, finally, my little Jag is back on the road - booked it in for service and repairs before christmas, and its finally done. Haven't got the bill yet, so I'm still smiling - bottle of JD and large glass are at the ready, though - just in case I need them at the moment of truth - opening an envelope can be a nerve wrecking experience... At least I didn't give it to Jaguar to get fixed - that would have ruined me properly, looking at their rates...


Well, she's back on the road, and drives really well - still a bit reluctant when cold, but once the block has warmed up, she purrs like a cat - only a bit louder... I'm still rather careful with it - have to get used to it first - but couldn't resist giving it a little run to the Creg yesterday - boy, what a monster... Every downward movement of your right foot provokes a sound that somehow reminds you of a sleeping Lion that has been kicked in the groin - it roars - it roars big time, painting a huge smile on your face while doing so - you have to hear, feel, and experience it for yourself to really know what I mean...


I don't think its actually that fast (giving its weight), and its certainly lacking that "turbo-feeling" (when your head suddenly decides to move backwards, while the car jumps forwards with what feels like "warp speed"), but it has torque, and plenty of it - no matter what speed you're doing - there's power, and loads of it... Driving through town is weird, though - you don't need the throttle - only the brake. Its pushing so much, any more action of the right foot, and you're easily doing 50 - have to get used to that, and keep an even closer eye on the speedo now...


Well, I shall now patiently await the arrival of that innocent looking letter containing the bill - it may look like any other letter to you, dear postman, but trust me - it isn't! Its a hugely important piece of information, a document that decides where I go on holiday this year, and what kind of food will reside in my fridge for the next month or so - Salmon or Brussels pate, Tesco Value or M&S... And its all part of the experience, the feeling you get when you sit in front of the screen, typing away on your blog, and think to yourself "yep, I've got a Jaguar V12 supercar" - and you know what? It feels good....


(And nobody needs to know that it cost less than an old Mondeo to buy - so please don't tell anyone, ok? :) )


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