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Treasure Hunting - First Try...



Right - I've got my brand new Metal Detector for over a week now, but didn't really get a chance to try it out yet, mainly thanks to work. So this morning, after finishing another night shift, I decided to finally try it out on Douglas Beach - just to see if and how it actually works... You know how it feels when you get a new toy - you want to try it out as soon as you get it - its an urge, something that just needs to be done, no matter what....


Like all new hobbies, this one seems to be a bit of a science, so studying the (surprisingly small) manual was first on the agenda - switch thingy on, put on headphones, set "fine tune" to 50%, move "coarse" control until you hear sound, then move it back a bit - easy!


So off I went along the beach, moving the thing from left to right, and right to left - just as instructed - not expecting to find anything more than old coke cans and other rubbish...


The first find actually was rubbish - some metal object which was definitely worthless, but then the noise in my headphones got louder again, indicating another find - exciting!


So marked the spot again and started digging - only a few inches below the ground, right near the stairs to the beach in front of Colours, I suddenly held a round metal object in my hand - definitely a coin, and here it is:




Its dated "1946", and I've got no idea if its actually worth anything (probably not), but just finding that on my first attempt ever was nice - definitely gonna try that again - there's gotta be some treasure out there, and I'm gonna find it! Manx Museum: reserve me a room - I'm going in :)

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