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New Car!



Hurrah! I've bought myself a new car! Well, not new exactly, 2nd hand, but new to me anyway. I had an absolute blast at the auctions. I walked around and looked at a few cars and took a couple for a test drive, but ended up bidding for only one car, the one that seemed to scream BUY ME everytime i walked by. It's a VW Golf CLI, 1997, 1.8ltr and only 84,000kms on the clock. The mechanical report looked sound so what the heck i thought, and sat down ready for the lots to start. Mine was no. 63, so had quite a way to go, but as my lot got closer, my calmness turned to nervousness, which then turned to giddiness. When i saw other people bidding and eventually winning, they sat stoney faced, calm and collected - not the case when I won my bidding war. I jumped out of the seat with a big whoppie - much to the amusement (or horror possibly!) of the auctioneer. I only went $50.00 over my budget as well, so was pretty pleased about that. I've since had the car serviced and thankfully nothing wrong with it, got a couple of electrical probs to sort out, but certainly nothing major, and everyone thinks i got a good deal - so HURRAH for me.


Now that i have my independence back, i've been zooming all over the place and it's good to be able to get out and about and visit friends. I've definitely settled back in now and feeling much happier about things, although, I do miss my friends and Carl (my bf) very much and only wish they could all move over here with me, then i'd be as happy as a pig is shit. But not to worry, Carl is coming out to visit in May, and i'm very excited about that, gonna be a great 3 weeks! I also have an old friend from my days living in Brighton, who is now living in Perth, coming over to visit for a couple of days in July, and another mate from London looking to visit before the year is out, so i have things to look forward to - all I need now is to get Jane (sweet cheeks) over here and i'll be well chuffed.


OK well, thats it for now, going to go back to my sick bed (summer colds are the worst!) and snuggle up with some lemsip - will write soon.


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