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Economic Development - Good Or Bad?

Charles Flynn


Since the Budget I have been giving a few thoughts to our apparent rush for economic success. There is no doubt we are at the mercy of economic forces. We appear to have got ourselves on to a tread mill where there is only one thought - we must have growth to finance the various schemes which this Island has become involved in over the last few years.


We are more than before at the mercy of forces outside our control on the world stage. We have to increase our wealth to maintain living standards, to provide employment and to increase the revenue from tax.


The question we should keep in mind is how this will affect our people - all our people not just the privileged few who will undoubtedly benefit. Housing provision will surely be at the expense of the poorer sections of our community. In my view too little will trickle down. It never does. So social problems will increase.


These are major issues which Government must address otherwise many of our people will suffer because of the path set by a few influential individuals and companies now.


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