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Science - It Is Exciting!

Charles Flynn


There are many comments these days about the facts that students are taking "easy" subjects at University rather than physics, chemistry, mathematics. Now what is easy to one could be very difficult for someone else. But certainly the figures show a decline in the number of applicants for traditional academic subjects which I believe is serious.


Science is exciting. There are great discoveries to be made. For instance it is expected that biotechnology will produce this century organisms that are half human and half machine. So no doubt there will be great debates not only on whether this is achievable but whether it is ethical. Science promises to be at the fore front and those who qualify in science should have very satisfactory and fulfilling careers ahead of them.


Alan Lightman, Professor of Humanities at MIT suggests that interest in the sciences may well be stimulated by reading suitable books. He recommends three in particular for non-scientists who want to learn more about science:


"The Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin.

"The Character of Physical Law" by Richard Feynman.

"A Mathematician's Apology" by G H Hardy.


I was at a careers convention some weeks ago where students - all too few - were inquirying about science. Perhaps a reading of these might get them started. I hope so.


It promises to be an century of discovery.


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