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Kinda Lucky...



Life works in weird ways - take this for example:


I usually park my little Rover at the house - there's a few spaces down here, and with a bit of luck (depending on when the participants of the daily rat race return), I usually get a spot slap-bang in front of my house.


Well, yesterday - for the first time in months - did I not park on my usual spot. Had a few drinks in town, and left the car in Atholl Street, with the plan to collect it today. It really hardly ever happens that I leave the car in town - last time must have been months ago - and it turned out to be a good choice....


Today - around 8.30am or so - I was pretty rudly awoken by the sound of sirens - the odd thing was, that the sirens got louder and louder, and then stopped - thinking that the house might be on fire or whatnot, I fell out of bed and checked - the view that presented itself to me outside wasn't exactly what I was expecting:




Not really sure how it happened, but three cars were involved in a collission right outside my house. Actually, there were four cars involved - a van that was parked on the side was hit as well - now have a guess what would usually have been parked there instead of that van - yep, correct - my little Rover.


Turns out, leaving the car in town, and not parking on my usual spot for the first time in months, saved it from being wrecked today - you couldn't really make that up if you tried... I wonder what the odds are on something like that...


The people involved seemed ok btw - Airbags and seatbelts seemed to have done their jobs well on this occasion.


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