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Meaning Of Lent.

Charles Flynn


I have had a little feed back from yesterday with people enquiring about the history and meaning of Lent so as it is Ash Wednesday I thought I would put a few thoughts down for those of you who want to know more.


Lent is the fast of 40 days before Easter. The first mention of 40 days probably associated with Lent, occurs in the Canons of Nicaea (AD 325). It is thought the custom originated in the prescribed fast of baptismal candidates, and the number 40 was evidently suggested by the 40 days' fasts of Moses, Elijah, and especially Jesus. The number 40 was made up in the Latin Churches around about the 7th century with the period being set from Ash Wednesday to Maundy Thursday.


During the first centuries AD fasting was very strict. Only one meal a day during evening was allowed with flesh-meat, fish, eggs off the menu. From the 9th century in the Western Church things were relaxed and the religious could eat at mid-day. Fish was allowed in the Middle Ages. The strict discipline however still applies in the Eastern churches.


In the Western churches the penitential character of Lent is reflected in the liturgy, with purple vestments and the omission of the Alleluia and the Gloria in excelsis at Mass.


Lent is a time of penance by abstaining from festivities, by almsgiving, and by devoting more time to religious activities such as reading a Lent book.


Lent of course leads to Easter the greatest Festival of the Church.


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