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Ideas Intrinsically Valuable

Charles Flynn


These days the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake is looked upon with suspicion. It is seen as elitist. How times have changed. Years ago ideas, culture were held up as something to strive for and academics were held in high esteem. Bertrand Russell, C.M.Joad, Julian Huxley, Freddie Ayer were regulars on programmes such as the Brains Trust which had high audience figures.


Today such people are almost ignored. Unless the knowledge acquired has an obvious economic value to the community or a practical value in people's lives it is given little attention.


Education for its own sake, knowledge for its own sake, art for its own sake, culture for its own sake are not what society wants. There has to be a social value or an economic value. I think this applies particularly on this Island.


It is the same with Universities. Unless the work, perhaps research has a vital role to play in our economy, it is rejected or downplayed.


Should it be like this? Should 'institutionalised philistinism' be the norm? Awkward questions - searching questions- need to be asked to ensure our society embraces matters which cannot be valued in simple economic terms but which nevertheless do have value in civilised society, if for no other reason but the health of individuals who want these things to be available to improve their quality of life.


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