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Why Send Our Money Overseas?

Charles Flynn


There has been a discussion for a little while on how much money we should spend on Overseas Aid. We are well short of the 0.7% of GDP recommended by organisations such as Christian Aid, Oxfam. But whatever the right and wrongs of this, why should we send any money to those in the Third World? After all you may think charity begins at home and it should stop there! Haven't we got problems at home? Doesn't hospice and all the other charities deserve our first consideration?


Where do you think our wealth came from in the first place? Look at British history - European history. We are rich because of the sweat of others - slaves from Africa, poor people from the Carribean, resources mined from other countries, heritage and art in our museums. We plundered it from the poor years ago. Shouldn't we give something back?


Hopefully most of you will think we should. Some of it should be given by Government and our Government should not shirk any of its responsibilities in doing so. Also I believe our very wealthy citizens who reside here should look in the mirror once in a while and GIVE some of their wealth to the poor. It is commonly recognised that poor people give a higher percentage of their wealth to charity than do rich ones. Well this doesn't appear to be fair and equitable. We used to have an IOM policy of aspiring to be a caring, sharing society. It would be good for the rich to take a lead.


Moreover, it may be that cash hand outs are not the right answer. But aid directed to appropriate projects such as education, farming, clean water would go a long way to redress the inbalance between our wealth and those in the Third World.


Surely it would enhance our branding image as well!


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