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Disabled People Have Human Dignity

Charles Flynn


The comments and pm messages I have received on the plan to create better access to Glen Helen, overwhelmingly supportive, especially for disabled people has made me consider their rights. Unfortunately there are those even in this day and age who consider an impaired life as a life of less value. This attitude should be condemned.


The Christian Church will never accept that disabled people have less rights than others.


Pope Benedict XVI recently called on Christians to defend the lives and dignity of disabled people. He said: "To defend life in all its phases, from the beginning until the end, is a right and duty of all, which the Church will never cease proclaimed". "Human beings, irrespective of the conditions in which they live and the capacities they have, possess unique and extraordinary worth from the very beginning of their existence to the moment of natural death".


Now we can get into arguments about assisted dying and abortion which are complex but we should keep in mind that the disabled and their carers throughout the world feel under increasing threat because of international pressure to accept euthanasia based on quality of life criteria assessed by the able bodied.


We should ensure that representatives from the disabled should not be side lined in these discussions.


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