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Counterfeit Medicines

Charles Flynn


My last blog posting was about good and evil. One of the evils that a pharmacist might encounter, but only rarely in this country, is a fake medicine - a counterfeit. The World Health Organization says there is a growing global epidemic of them.It is pushing for more global co-operation and political commitment against this threat.


Counterfeits are a major hazard in developing countries and are increasingly a problem for the developed world. 781 instances were noted world wide in 2005, 39 of which occurred in the UK. This of course could just be the tip of the ice berg.


It is up to governments worldwide to treat counterfeiting as a serious crime. Fake medicines are far more harmful than a fake CD or a fake perfume or a fake handbag - serious though that is for the industry. People can die because of counterfeit medicine. At the very least they do not treat the illness.


The Royal Pharmaceutical Society says that there has only been a very small number reaching the legitimate medicine supply chain in Great Britain. However, we must not be complacent and certainly anyone in the unlikely event of this happening in the IOM/UK who has concerns should report them to their doctor/pharmacist as soon as possible.


However a greater immediate problem is the obtaining of drugs over the internet. Don't buy viagra there! Unless the medicine is supplied by a pharmacy registered in the British Isles, there is a risk that you will be given something which is not up to standard. And you wouldn't want that, would you?


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