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Brown Is Turning Green!

Charles Flynn


According to a press release from the Friends of the Earth Mr Brown's Budget set out some helpful steps to combat climate change. It is not enough and in their view it is not enough to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% compared to 1990 levels which is the promise in the last three Labour General Election manifestos. In recent years carbon emissions have been rising, and much greater action is needed.


The Chancellor's commitment to an annual carbon report is welcomed but it needs to be linked to a statutory requirement for annual cuts in climate changing pollution.


The decision to increase the top rate for the most polluting vehicles to £210 is totally inadequate. The decision to cut the lowest two bands for the cleanest vehicles is very welcome.


The decision to retain the freeze on road fuel duty will increase carbon dioxide emissions, as will the freeze on air passenger duty.


The decision to take a proposal to the World Bank regarding a large fund for new technologies for developing countries is welcome.


The decision to increase the Climate Change Levy in line with inflation is a small step in the right direction. It would have been better if this measure had been increased.


The modest assistance to home owners for increasing energy efficiency through improved insulation is welcome. A pilot scheme to trial 'smart' meters could also be positive if it leads to new measures to encourage reduced energy demand from consumers.


Voluntary labelling for some energy using products that have a standby setting might raise consumer awareness but it should be backed up by legislation to reduce energy wastage from all such goods.


The establishment of a new national energy technology institute could make some future positive impact but existing technology needs to be supported more by the Government.


The commitment of new money to help kick start markets for micro-generation technologies, such as small wind turbines and solar water heating equipment, is very welcome but needs to be backed by strong policies, including the conclusions of the energy review.


Like the Manx Government the UK Government needs to get more serious about Climate Change before it is too late.


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