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Climate Change Foe

Charles Flynn


As a follow up to yesterday's blog:


Energy Efficiency


Better building standards and insulation could make significant cuts in greehouse gases. The Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University has suggested that emissions from the UK's housing stock could be reduced by 60% by 2050, while according to the Carbon Trust, UK business waste £1 billion a year in lost energy.


If industry used efficient motors - ones that only used the exact amount of power needed - this would save the equivalent of three nuclear plants - and that is just in the UK.


Put a stop to standby. Across the richest economies the energy we waste by leaving equipment such as DVD's and computers on standby is equivalent to 20 nuclear or coal-fired stations.




Using hybrid technology in cars, increasing investment in public transport, cycling. and walking, and reducing the need to travel could reduce emissions from transport by 60 per cent by 2030 according to a report to the DoT.


Renewable Energy and cleaner fossil fuels.


The UK has the best wind resource in Europe. The wind comes at the right time during peak daytime periods and in the winter. This means wind turbines could easily be our most dependable energy resources. Offshore winds are even stronger and more uniform than on land, meaning the output could be 25% greater.


Tidal waves and currents could be harnessed to produce electricity on a commercial scale within the next two years. This type of power could produce a further 3.5% of total UK electricity by 2025.


Burning plant and animal matter (biomass) could produce enough electricity to do away with more than four nuclear plants.


Micro generation technologies.


Many industrial scale technologies are being adapted to fit homes and business. These micro-generation technologies include mini wind turbines, solar panels which can be fitted to roofs, domestic boilers which use waste heat to produce electricity and devices which capture the heat stored in the Earth. They could provide 20 - 30% of electricity according to the Energy Saving Trust.


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