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Is Jesus A Conspiracy?

Charles Flynn


I was impressed by the Archbishop of Canterbury's Easter Day sermon. In it Rowan Williams, ignoring those who may speak about "glass houses" and "stones", spoke about the eternal truths of Christian faith - the life and resurrection of Jesus and the way that story and faith has been brought down the centuries to us through the real life experiences of people who knew him first hand.


The Archbishop goes on to speak about how so many people have risked their lives, how some have been matryrs to the Christian cause and how these people were predominantly ordinary people who had no powerful friends but who so believed that they were prepared to defy society, the powerful and the rich to spread the Good News.


The church is not a conspiracy to conceal the truth but a body of people who bring the truth to light. Compare this to mystery writers like Dan Brown with his trivial block buster Da Vinci Code and those who recently spoke about the supposed Lost Gospel of Judas which has been discredited by historians. These modern day writers are riding the wave of present day rampant commercialism and ignoring all those who through the centuries have given their lives for The Truth - the simple prosaic truth as the Archbishop puts it.


The story of Jesus is not a conspiracy and is a story which is life giving. It is not told for kicks and the enrichment of writers, publishers and film makers. It is told because it has historical credibility unlike the made up mysteries which ignore the vulnerability and frailty of humankind which is all too ready to believe the nonsence of those with an eye to the main chance.


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