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Nearly It...



So, that's TT nearly over then - another two weeks of madness come to an end, and so does my time as temporary DJ in some well-known local pub/nightclub. Was fun, as it usually is, especially German Night - makes me smile every time :)


Playing DJ is weird somehow - started last Sunday, expecting a rather quiet night - as if.. Packed house, and me on the controls - whoever said that being a DJ isn't a physical job should try it on a busy night - you'll be sweating, I guarantee... I only do that once in a while for the fun of it, and to be presented with a full house is kind of exciting, but it's also a bit scary - if you mess up now, if the next song isn't right, if anything happens - a couple of hundred people will look at you - no place to hide, the disco lights make sure of that... Still fun, though, but I wouldn't want it as a normal job - no wonder so many DJs go deaf with that noise around your ears all the time - people don't value their health enough these days...


Some pics from the nights to remember - maybe I'll take to the controls again at some point, but for now, I'll stick to my normal job(s) - work enough for me...


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