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Sermon:matthew 28,16-20

Charles Flynn


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All Saints 13.05.07 CF/EP EP Matthew 28,1-10:16-20

In the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This evening we are going to discuss Jesus’ last words. Some people’s last words are memorable, some are obvious such as “I don’t feel good..” Nevertheless, seriously, last words can be very important, so what were Jesus’ last words? What did He want to get across to his followers following his resurrection and before his ascension?

Well we have heard his final theme tonight, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you..” (Matthew 28:19-20).

This is known as the “Great Commission,” and it is a commission, which applies to us today just as it did to his first disciples. It extends to us as believers.

And Christ’s very last words? Well in Acts 1:8, as He spoke to the apostles on a hilltop, He told them, “…you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” And then He was taken up into Heaven.

The most famous last words of all time.

So are we doing our bit as witnesses? Are we living the Great Commission? Have you converted anyone to Christ? You are not alone if you haven’t. Surveys show that less than 2% of professing Christians have done so. Are we forgetting the Great Commission? Do we think it is someone else’s job? Priests do that sort of thing. It is not for us lay people.

I was interested in the question at our PCC last week. What is mission? Many were confused even though they have been coming to church for decades. It is very revealing.

Well God’s mission is about transformation - transforming lives, communities and the world. It is about Christ’s disciples proclaiming the Gospel, teaching, baptising, and nurturing new believers; responding to human need by love; transforming injustice to justness; safeguarding creation and sustaining the life of the world. We are called as Anglicans to be a mission-based church. We are called to do this both locally and globally. Archbishop William Temple famously stated, “the Church is the only organisation that exists for the benefits of its non-members.” The Church is a mission body, the Body of Christ on earth. Church and mission are one. Mission doesn’t happen somewhere else. It happens here in this Parish. It happens globally. We are part of One World. We receive and we give. This week is Christian Aid Week. We go out from this building and tell others. We do not just wait for them to come to us. Waiting here for them to come to us is only part of the work we are called to do. Some of course are called to wait. Others are called to go out. In fact, this is our Lord’s command - GO!

Although much of our attention is on church, the real mission field is outside the church walls. The real mission field is where we are every day. But we are not to stop there. We must do more if we can. Christ says in Matthew 28,v 19 “Go to all nations”.

“Go” is what God told Abraham to do when sending him from his land; when sending Moses to Pharaoh; and when sending out all prophets to their mission fields. We need to appreciate that mission is in the very nature of God. God is a missionary God. He came to visit us. The O.T. is full of God visiting people. Creation itself is about God visiting and putting the world in order. Christians are called to visit people and put them right with God. Jesus came to us.

Jesus spent His Ministry calling on people and sending them on God’s mission to Judea, Samaria and elsewhere. The Great Commission was started by God in the O.T. and carried on in the N.T. Mission is an extension of what we do in church every day.

In church, we baptise. Those sent out are to baptise. Those sent out are to preach. The Gospel of Christ is to be heard through the word and to be seen through the celebration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. When we embrace the Gospel, we are commanded not to sit on our hands, but to go and make it known to others.

We are to teach them. Christ emphasises the teaching role. Teaching is the means by which the converted is made to know what to do and what to believe- how to think biblically and act in line with bible concepts. Jesus commanded, “Teach them to obey everything I commanded you.”

God has used people as the only tools of missionary work. He gave us the means to build his Kingdom - be it the gifts of skill, resources, time, health and of course the most important one of them all, the “Word” as revealed in the Bible. The Holy Spirit will use that Word to help believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. This happens in both the local situation as well as the global one.

We are not just to sit in the pews and enjoy the service. We are to go. We are to evangelise and make disciples- to fish and to feed the lambs, to take up the Cross and forsake all for Christ’s sake.

The Lord’s command, “go into all the world,” begins right here at All Saints’ Your testimony is no good to anyone if you keep it to yourself. Tell someone.

What if no one had ever bothered to tell you.

You are not alone. Remember Jesus’ promise: “surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We must obey his command to go, make disciples, baptise and teach new Christians to obey Christ in everything. Supremely, we must trust his promise to be with us always and then rely on his strength.



Let us pray.

As we meet before you, Father God, we ask you to hear and answer the prayers of your people.

May we listen for your call. We ask for courage and wisdom to share your peace in our world

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer.

We pray for Bishop Graeme and for all who teach the Christian faith, and for the life of the church. Strengthen and encourage those who respond to your call. May they show your compassion and love. Give them peace as they minister to those in need.

Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer.

We pray for all those in missionary work, and those with a sense of mission. We remember all those who have made it their work to bring news of God’s love and fellowship to all people throughout the world.

Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer.

We know that while we have an abundance of material wants, much of the world is in terrible straits. We pray for the work of Christian Aid and all those who will be collecting on the island for the people of Haiti this week. We pray for the children of Haiti many of whom are abused. We pray for political stability and that Godly men and women will get involved in local politics. May thought for the needs of others lead to action in whatever way is in our power.

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray for all who are desolate and in pain or sorrow this day. We pray especially for those known to us who are in trouble, need, sickness or adversity. We pray in a moment of silence as we think of Madeleine McCann………..

and name others in our hearts. Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer

In the knowledge that we must all face judgement, we pray for those who have died and those who mourn especially the family and friends of .………………………..

Thanking God for his loving mercy, and entrusting our loved ones to God’s safe keeping.

Lord, in your mercy Hear our prayer.


Teach us, Good Lord, to serve you as you deserve,

To give and not count the cost,

To fight and not to heed the wounds,

To toil and not to seek for rest,

To labour and not to seek reward,

Save that of knowing that we do your will.



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