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Climate Change And Women.

Charles Flynn


Globally, women are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to their social roles and status. In the UK and in other developed countries, increasing costs for energy, transport, healthcare and nutrition are likely to affect women, including single mothers, more than men. In developing countries, women are already suffering disproportionately more as a consequence of climate change:


70% of the world's poor, who are far more vulnerable to environmental damage, are women. 85% of people who die from climate-induced disasters are women.



According to a recent climate change survey, what women of the UK want most is:


Much more action in tackling climate change.

97% believe the Government and industry are not doing enough.

86% demand the Government to invest in more renewable energy.

86% want manufacturers to design more environmentally friendly products.

81% demand tougher carbon reduction targets.

More help and guidance to reduce our impact on the environment. 85% want more green products and green labelling of goods.

85% want lower prices for environmentally friendly products.

82% more government grants and incentives to reduce carbon emissions.

More women's involvement in UK Government (87%) and international policy making (86%), to find solutions to climate change.



Remarkably, 94% have already begun to make lifestyle changes and are willing to do more in the future.


What is needed now is the way.


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