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Eco-driving Saves

Charles Flynn


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The term "eco-driving" is starting to appear. It saves money, ensures that driving is safer and not only saves lives and injuries but helps to save the planet.


Average CO2 emissions from new cars in the UK in 2006 were 167.2g/km. This can be substantially reduced by "Eco-driving" i.e. driving a vehicle in such a way that it has as little impact on the environment as possible.


This can include, for example:


adhering to speed limits


accelerating gently, keeping speed constant and changing gear at the optimal time


limiting air conditioning (estimated to add 10-14% to fuel consumption)


driving with windows closed and roof racks removed to reduce drag


avoiding idling the engine


not warming the engine up before starting off


filling tyres to the optimum pressure


keeping a safe distance from the car in front as sharp braking wastes fuel


In addition the UK Government with their Smarter Choices programme aims to encourage use of less carbon intensive alternatives to the car for passenger travel. These can include:


destination-based measures to reduce car use (e.g. workplace or school travel plans);


changing access to cars, e.g. car clubs and car-sharing schemes;


action to increase individual awareness of alternatives to the car (e.g. public transport information and marketing, travel awareness campaigns and personalised marketing); and


measures to reduce the need to travel (e.g. teleworking or home shopping).



However if you do drive, drive intelligently. You don't have to pay out £18,000 for a hybrid car. You can reduce your energy and petrol consumption without having to buy a whole new vehicle by being a careful driver.


To sum up and reiterate some of the salient points:


Combine trips: As much as you can, combine your errands to reduce the amount of driving you're doing overall. Also drive the shortest route between point A and point B.


Car share: The fewer cars on the road, the better. See if you can share a car with people that work with you, or even people that work around you. You'll be saving on petrol and reducing pollution at the same time.


Use your own body for transport: When you're just running out to the shop for a few items, try taking your bike or walking. You can carry a large string or cloth sack, or a backpack, to put your groceries in to carry them back home. You'll also be doing something good for your body!


Take the bus: Check the time-table and see if there's a bus stop by you, and if it goes to work, school, etc. Paying a bus fare is a lot cheaper than a gallon of petrol.


We need to take positive action by slowing down - tranquil driving or avoiding excessive car use saves lives - yours and other living creatures on the planet as well.


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