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Walking Benefits Health.

Charles Flynn


Walking even a short distance a few times a week can yield dramatic improvements in health.


On a relaxing stroll, a walker can burn 200 to 300 calories an hour, shedding pounds with minimal exertion. With a little more effort, the pounds fall away. Walking helps develop stamina, forces oxygen-rich blood into tissues, and improves circulation, and all without the trauma to the knees, hips, and ankles that running and jogging can produce.


The benefits of walking, however, go well beyond the purely physical. More than any other activity, walking is a sure way to jump-start the brain, to set thoughts in motion and calm our troubles. Prompted by our modest exertions, the body begins to produce endorphins just a few minutes into a walk, chemical compounds that reduce pain and stress, enhance memory and judgment, and increase feelings of well-being as they course into the brain.


Along with endorphins, walking produces increased levels of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that further serves to reduce stress, for which reason doctors increasingly recommend walking as a treatment for mild depression and anxiety.


So over the hills with you. A more relaxed, slimmer you will result and you will be around longer than if you sit in your car aiming to go the mile or so to work an extra few seconds faster.


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