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Investigative Journalsm Pag Talk

Charles Flynn


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It was a full house with the speaker giving a well received talk on investigative journalism throughout the world and then answering questions put to him about specific concerns of IOM residents.


Investigative journalism assists the citizen in their right to know, helping accountability, stamping out injustice, secrecy and wrongs commtted by the powerful against the weak without fear or favour. It "comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable!"


A good journalist has no special friends. He is prepared to reveal wrongs from whatever source. Investigative journalism is 100% evidence based and there must be no journalistic mistakes otherwise credibility is compromised. Currently some 70 journalists are in jail in the USA and Europe trying not to reveal their sources.


However this type of journalism is very expensive. Some 30% of stories cannot be run after investigation.


The speaker went through a whole host of past important cases - Watergate, Reginald Maudling, James Goldsmith, Jim Slater, Cambodia bombing,Vietnam, the Birmingham Six, Leopold of Belgium, Marcos in Phillipines, German nuclear reactors being cleaned by Turkish people exposing them to lethal doses of radiation, treatment of prisoners in Iraq.


Then, it was the turn of the questioners. Pensioners being discriminated against, alleged corrupt police officers, alleged money laundering, the Manx Film industry finance, Manx Radio alleged to be a quango of the Government, the Water Authority, environmental issues in Peel Harbour affecting the sea life were just some of the matters raised.


Well stormy times are our future if all the allegations are found to be true!


Here are details of an M.A. Course at the City University, London:


Published on The Centre for Investigative Journalism (http://tcij.org)

Investigative Journalism MA

This pioneering new course, offered by City's internationally-renowned Journalism & Publishing department:


provides students with the essential skills for a first job in print or broadcast journalism, together with innovative and in-depth research and investigation techniques

teaches advanced research skills including computer-assisted reporting, the effective use of public records and databases, the Freedom of Information Act, and other complex information; and examines undercover and covert investigative techniques.

provides knowledge of case studies of high-profile investigations and the skills to investigate issues of public concern, miscarriages of justice, and companies, organisations and individuals within an ethical framework.

offers students the opportunity to complete a real-life investigation aimed for publication or broadcast.

is taught by leading investigative journalists, including: David Leigh, investigations editor of The Guardian and Anthony Sampson Professor of Reporting at City; Gavin MacFadyen, director of the prestigious Centre for Investigative Journalism based at City; Heather Brooke, Freedom of Information expert and Honorary Visiting Fellow at City; Rosie Waterhouse, formerly of the Sunday Times Insight team and Newsnight, and; Melanie McFadyean, City lecturer and freelance journalist.

is located in central London, giving students unrivalled access to the media industry for contacts and work placements.


Gavin MacFadyen was this evening's speaker.


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