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The Thinking Wall

Charles Flynn




The “Thinking Wall” at Energy Expo 2008 came up with a wide range of ideas contributed by visitors to the exhibition at the Villa Marina on February 21-23.


The “Thinking Wall”, brain-child of sustainable development promoters Island 21, invited visitors to share their ideas in three areas – what you like best about the Island, what you like least, and what you would like to see happening.


Visitors' favourites ranged from the Bunscoill to the Laxey Wheel. Various comments stressed the relative peace and tranquillity of life, and the beauty of the Manx countryside. Children and adults alike saw the Island as a safe place for children. The Island is seen as a world in miniature, a society small enough to encourage respect for one another and the environment.


The least favourite things included the Island's dependence on fossil fuels - seen as risky in terms of financial and environmental cost and security of supply. Thoughtless pressure for “growth” was a worry, as was an over-reliance on green-field sites for development.


That's all about things as they are now. So, what about tomorrow's Island? What would the “brick-layers” of the Thinking Wall like to see? As this was an Energy Expo, it's no surprise that energy issues loomed large. The good sense of using wind and water as power sources seemed obvious to many. Wind farms had a number of enthusiasts – though there was a possible bias in favour of off-shore installations. “Wind farms are beautiful!” enthused one “brickie”. And, by the way – why not put the wheels at Laxey, and elsewhere, to work?


Public transport had plenty of enthusiasts. It's time to take the buses, trains and trams seriously as ways of getting people where they want to be – not as curiosities for tourists. “Get the trams back on the tracks” was one loud demand!


More emphasis on recycling and more convenient recycling arrangements would help, as would some kind of salvage yard, or swap and take-away facilities at all the civic amenity centres.


Many of the hopes on the Thinking Wall need Government action. So people also wanted more forward-thinking Government, with a coherent vision for a socially inclusive Island, and better protection for the coastline and for agricultural land. Some items on the wish-list clearly need decisive Government action.


The Thinking Wall is very much the voice of the voter (and a few future voters who aren't quite old enough yet!). Island 21 hopes our elected representatives are taking note and will be taking action accordingly.


Oh – and one “brick” in the Thinking Wall asked for more female MHKs. There's one for the voters.


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