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Monday March 3rd



Monday morning, 10-30 and I’m just back from walking Skipper, my first solo walk since I began chemotherapy now nearly two weeks ago. It was only a trip around Poulson Park with a free run for Skip in the fields along the Silverburn. It’s yet another sign how things are improving. I am beginning to get parts of my old life back again. Last night my old pal Michael called round and we discussed sailing and fishing plans for this summer in my new boat Silverburn. A couple of months ago I was staring in to a dark deep hole. I had lung cancer and was preparing myself for the last lap of life. Now just two weeks in to chemotherapy, I am out and about again. I am getting up at 6am just like I use to. I have a boat again and I am back walking the dog. Yes of course things may well take a turn for the worse, there might be something going on inside me that I don’t know about. Who knows? At the same time maybe things are really improving. If I feel as if they are, then they must be. Barbara is even thinking of returning to work in some capacity next week. My thinking pattern has now changed from short term to medium term in as much as I am grateful for today but in my thoughts I am planning for tomorrow. I am not out of the woods yet and the storm is still raging all around me. However, our ship is in good shape, we are holding our course. Soon we will be clear of the ocean of despair and round the Cape of Hope and entering the sea of promise.


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