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Wednesday March 5th



Its 7-45 a.m and I have woken up feeling really good once again and its now exactly two weeks into chemo. Skipper is bouncing about ready for his morning hike; today I think we will head up the Silverburn to the waterfall again.


Yesterday we had a visit from IOM newspapers, they have heard about our blog so I guess something will appear in amongst the skeet shortly.


I have been thinking during the night about the small seemingly insignificant things in life that in the end can play a major part in reconstructing our lives or at least changing our course for the better or for the worst. For example you would not think that little bits of rubber could have such a major influence on what we do and how we achieve it.You can write a best seller with a gold pen, yet you can achieve exactly the same thing with a pencil! However, without that little bit of rubber in the top of your pencil to iron out all those mistakes all your labours would be fruitless. We boatmen can sail around the World, but we rely on little bits of rubber we call fenders to protect us from harbour walls and other obstacles.


I am reminded of a story that came my way from South Australia.


A blind man stood at a bus stop waiting for a bus, when along came a husband, wife and their 10 kids. When the bus arrived there was only room onboard for the 10 kids and mother so, husband and the blind man began to walk. After a while the sound of the blind man’s white stick tapping the pavement began to annoy the husband and father of the 10 kids. “I say” said he. “Cant you fix a piece of rubber to the end of that stick of yours.” “I suppose so”, said the blind man. “However, had you fixed a piece of rubber to the end of your stick we would both be riding the bus”!


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