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Monday March 10th



Monday morning 10-20. I have walked through the park and wandered through golden meadow mill with Barbara & Skipper. It is a beautiful sunny day and difficult to believe that yesterday I heard nothing but severe storms forecast for last night and this morning. Well last night it did blow a bit but probably no more though than gale force 9. Yes that is quite a blow but nothing more than we should expect for this time of the year. Today for some reason they talk of winds reaching 60 or 70 mph instead of force 8 or 9 or even storm force 10. I guess it sounds more dramatic. Listening to the radio yesterday made me think that the roof might blow off the house, the house fall down and the Island move a few miles closer to Ireland. Instead of which, we had a blow last night and for the first time this winter it was such a nice morning, I have been able to sit out in the front garden in the morning sunshine. I hasten to add, it was the BBC that frightened the life out of me yesterday and not our friends at Ronaldsway.


I am just two days away now from my second course of chemo. Cancer is very much like the weather and, the doctors are very much like the weather forecasters. Two months ago the outlook for me looked pretty grim. Storm clouds were all around me and I was at risk of being blown away. Today, just like the weather, the sun is shining and not a cloud in sight. My doctors could not predict what might happen to me. None the less all is well so far. Sure I am not as well as I would like to be. However, it’s winter and I expect a few storms. The doctors’ wont get all of them right. I expect to miss some of them and, sail through the rest and enjoy the warmth of the spring sunshine and yes, those long dark and dreary winter days will be just a mere distant memory.


Remember the weather forecasters and doctors try their best to warn us of what might lie ahead, but they don’t always get it right and they can’t accurately estimate our ability to cope.


I’d like to end today’s blog by saying a big thank you to Jason Roberts of Manx Radio.


He has made it possible for people to listen to Ellan My Chree and Home online.


‘Ellan My Chree’ is a song, the music of which was composed by the late great Major Tommy Thirtle, the words are written by Tom Glassey and sung by wife Barbara Glassey.


‘Home’ is a monologue written and performed by the same fruitcake that wrote the words to ‘Ellan My Chree.’


To hear the download click on the links and scroll to the bottom of the linked page.


Ellan My Chree:




1 Comment

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HI Tom, I'm always listening to your's & Barbara's CD. I love to hear your wonderful Manx accent, its so softly spoken. The storm wasn't that bad here either but its raining at the moment. Pauline xx

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