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Sunday April 13th



Arsenal V Chelsea - who'll win?  

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It is actually 8-05 p.m. on Saturday night. I have just opened my first tin of John Smiths as we draw to the end of a good day. We took my boat Silverburn out on sea trials this afternoon and managed two circumnavigations of Castletown bay. The wind was from the Northwest, blowing at about force 5 with sea conditions slightly choppy. Silverburn performed with flying colours and rode the waves nicely, shipped a little bit of spray but only managed a top speed of 6 knots with 5 people onboard. None-the-less I am very happy with her performance. Barbara took photos which I have no doubt she has posted on the site. Sunday we will leave Castletown at 3 p.m. and sail to Port St.Mary, calling in at the Albert for an hour before we sail back.


By the way, before I forget, the answer to the darts question on yesterdays blog is 23.


Ray Cregeen from Port St.Mary will accompany us on Silverburn to Port St Mary and back. The man is a human story book, So hopefully I will have a boat load of stories for next week. Everyone has legged it to Peel tonight to see or hear Dicky Kelly entertain in the Creek. This means I am more or less alone here tonight apart from Barbara, Orry the parrot, Skipper and Chris dropping in and out. I am about to take Skipper for a wander around Poulson Park.


Well, it's now 5.10 a.m. on Sunday morning. I have been awake since 3 a.m. It appears to be a fine day. The dawn chorus began at 4.30. I am about to make my second cup of tea. Soon I will walk Skipper and the highlight of my day will be this afternoon's sailing trip with brother Lenny, young Chris Callow my boatman and Ray Cregeen to Port St Mary. It is going to be a good day, that is unless the boss knows better or, has something else in mind.


Question: If I pray or ask or, if other folk pray so that I get relief from my cancer. This maybe granted. If on the other hand I pray or ask for good weather to go sailing, this may well be turned down. I wonder why that should be!


Until tomorrow then Tom Glassey, news at 5.14 a.m. on the banks of the Silverburn River.


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