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Friday April 18th



It is 8.55a.m. I am just back from my morning walk. I didn’t meet anyone and there is a stiff Easterly wind, probably blowing at around 5, touching 6. Yesterday I had an appointment with cancer consultant. He seemed pleased with my progress, but not surprised. I see him again in four weeks time, after the CT scan. He is talking of the possibility of me having to attend Clatterbridge for around 3 weeks for radio therapy as an out patient. We now have to think about where we might stay on the Wirral. I guess if we could rent a cottage, this would be the best option; however, there are other problems such as, what we do about Skipper. Well I guess all will be resolved one way or the other.


Barbara now ahs her appointment with consultant on Tuesday regarding her chest condition, and on Wednesday I have my last chemotherapy course, so it will be a busy hospital week next week.


Well, can I now apologize to our US readers? Unfortunately I am not able to reply to any of your emails. I am receiving yours but every time I reply, the email is returned to me as undeliverable. I have no idea why this should be; other than the Us Mail servers appear t think I am spam! Hopefully it will be resolved soon.


At present, I am getting a small insight as to what it might be like to live in China. I gather that some firms have now blocked access to the blog from office PC’S. Well I guess I should take this as a compliment. Still, I wonder, is the block because the bosses are afraid of what their staff might read on the blog or is it simply because they are bored with their jobs? Having spent 11 years in an office, I am fairly certain, it’s the latter.


You will all be pleased to note that my diet is going very well. Yesterday I had a bacon and sausage bap at the airport for breakfast and last night my brother Lenny brought me fish and chips from the van. I have only had fish and chips twice so far this week. Mind you, the sweetie shop (Memory Lane) on Arbory Street, delivered a full jar of sweets to my front door. Apart from that, the diet is going very well.


I have been trying to call someone on the telephone for the last 15 minutes, but they have been constantly engaged. However, finally after about 15 attempts I got through only to find I had come through to a wrong number. This has set me wondering why wrong numbers are never engaged!


Well good people, until tomorrow then this is Tom Glassey with News at 9.50 on the banks of the Silverburn River.

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Tom, regarding your email.


Although I love my manx.net email address, but manx.net emails have suffered quite severe problems over the past few weeks and in the past. There are some ISPs that will automatically see @manx.net as spam.


There is a thread on manxforums here about it.


The Isle of Man and Manx are very, very famous and well loved and known, but only in the Isle of Man I'm afraid.



( Nice blog btw )

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