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Sunday April 20th



It is 10 a.m. on Sunday morning and so far I haven’t been outside the door. I didn’t sleep much last night, so I’m feeling a bit on the tired side. I shall walk Skipper shortly and then probably fall asleep for an hour or so. In the small hours of the morning, I heard on the radio that the city of Liverpool is twinned with Barcelona. I wonder just what the point of this twinning caper is all about. Does anyone make any money out of it? Maybe we could twin strategic places around the Island with other glamorous focal points around the World. For example, we could twin the Point of Ayre with Cape Horn, Castletown Bay with the Gulf of Mexico and Peel Bay with the Mediterranean. It might bring tourists flocking to our shores, but on the other hand, I guess most of them would end up wanting their money back. Isn’t this twinning lark just another load of spin by the politicians? I’m sure the Scousers don’t feel as if they have anything more in common with the people of Barcelona as a result of being twinned. Mind you the politicians are not the only masters of spin. I once sat in a café in London and heard a customer complaining that the milk in her coffee was sour. “Sour” said the proprietor. “I will have you know madam, that an hour ago, this milk was grass!”


Some years ago, I worked briefly selling junk on the markets. I recall one day at Rushen Abbey, a cockney was selling cheap teapots and jugs next to me. His banter went along these lines. “Blimey Madam, only last week I saw this very same vase on sale at Sotheby’s for 600 knicker, that vase was over 200 years old. Mine is only £2.99 and it is brand spanking new!”


I suppose we all use spin from time to time though. Doctors tell us things could be worse when they are almost hammering the nails in to your coffin lid. We tell ourselves that horrible tasting medicine is really very nice in order to get it down our throats, or our children’s throats. We tell our friends they don’t look a day over 60 when they are looking a little haggard at 75.


Sometimes we need a bit of spin though. It’s not a particularly nice day today. I am telling myself now that it is a nice spring day, so that I will jump up and take Skipper for his morning walk. If I set off with thoughts of a nice day in my head, then it will be an enjoyable walk, for it is not just the weather that decides the quality of the day.


When I was fist diagnosed with cancer, I did not appreciate the spin from doctors and friends who told me everything would be fine. However, I am sure I benefited from it. They probably didn’t always think everything would be, however, if a little spin made me take a more positive attitude then I am all for spin.


Until tomorrow then this is Tom Glassey with News at 10.30, spinning, twinning, and sinning my way along the Silverburn River.




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