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Thursday May 1st



7.30 a.m. Good morning people. Just back from my morning walk, I shall probably take another after writing the blog and breakfast which will be beans and cheese on toast. Talking of food, I read that someone was asking about food in Castletown on the forum the other day. I can’t talk for the commercial places, however, if you’re passing our house you are more than welcome to drop in for a bacon butty.


I have woken up feeling good again today. I am now in to my second week of my last chemo session. Only 7 days to go now before I have the scan which will tell all. Actually I’ve just had a letter changing the appointment to the day after, so it is 8 days.


I was thinking during the night of some of the odd places and predicaments I have ended up in, down through the years. So, here we go, I might as well share a few of them with you.


Back in about the mid 70’s, a neighbour by the name of Johnny asked me if I fancied a night out in Douglas with him. We duly trooped off to Douglas on the bus. We did all the usual pubs along the Barbary coast, and no doubt a few more as well. Anyway at around 11o’clock we made out way back to the bus station to catch the last bus home. As we approached the bus station, Johnny began to slow down; he was already wobbling from side to side a great deal. He was a big man and I was having difficulty trying to keep him on an even keel on the pavement. Suddenly, he stopped dead, stretched out both arms, and yelled out at the top of his voice. “Tommy, the sea is calling me, I have to go!” And, with that, flapped his arms like a great albatross and all I could hear were his great big feet echoing off the buildings as they hit the ground carrying Johnny’s great bulk off to the sea. I never met up with Johnny again for a further 6 or 7 years. Where he ended up I know not. When we did meet again, I think he was to embarrassed to talk on the subject. I did hear a few weeks later though, that Johnny was in Brazil. I deeply suspect that the name of the ship that Johnny joined on the night in question though was the SS Palace Casino, and Johnny, probably sailed out to Liverpool the following morning with the Steam Packet. Johnny was a lovely kind man who would do anything for you. He simply got a little worse for wear on that night, and what did actually happen to him on that night is now between Johnny and his maker. Johnny sadly died a few years ago.


Well, I have now had breakfast. It is 8 a.m and now, just like Johnny all those years ago, I can feel the pull of the Silverburn calling me. Unlike Johnny though, the only folk I am leaving behind are you good people, however, not for 7 years.


Tomorrow I will tell you about the time I fell amongst a couple of odd balls in the town of Wolverhampton, in the West Midlands, UK.


Until tomorrow then folks, this is Tom Glassey with News at 8 a.m., on the banks of the Silverburn river.


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