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Monday May 5th



This is Toms wife Barbara, filling in for Tom at the moment.


At he moment Tom is fighting a stomach bug which has him laid low. Due to his immune system being non existent after chemo, I have had to contact the emergency doctor who is faxing through antibiotics and rehydration sachets to the chemist.


This weekend Tom didn't blog as he has decided to do a 5 day week.


Tom was hoping to go boating today with young Chris, but the fog came in thick and so he now won't feel to bad having to stay in bed.


On the plus side, Tom is still feeling fine with regard to his lungs and will have a CT scan on Friday. The result of that will be known the following Thursday.


Hopefully he will be back blogging soon and telling more of his tales.


So this is Barbara with news at 10 a.m. from the blog in the fog on the banks of the Silverburn River. (Tom gave me the ending) :-)

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Guest Mairead


Thank you for that blog. I was worried and I am sorry about the tummy bug because that , to me, is one of the worst illnesses but it is one that you do get over and often rather quickly, T.G.. Also, I saw your painting of Langness in the Art shop on Bucks Road, Barbara, and am quite impressed with it. It is , like Tom's blogs, very refreshing and like the place, one that you could never get tired of looking at. I will look forward to some more tales and Mon. to Fri. will do nicely. I like to read them before I go to bed and I know all is well. Lhiats, Maíréad

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