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Saturday June 7th



9.35 a.m. I have just returned from my morning walk. Today we decided to walk around Langness. I have not walked the whole Langness since I became ill last October. I did not know then that it was in fact cancer I was fighting as cancer was not diagnosed until February. I do recall trying to walk Langness back in February, and only getting about 200 yards before having to turn back to the car park. Today for the first time since Mr Cancer came along, I have managed to get all the way around in about the same time as I used too. I encountered choughs, stonechats, skylarks, oyster catchers and even a curlew. I think a walk around Langness early in the morning is as good as, and has the same positive effect on me as a dose of chemotherapy. For those of you around the world who are not familiar with Langness, it is a small peninsula that runs out to sea for about a mile in the South of the Island on the east coast. It forms the northern boundary of Castletown bay, and the southern boundary of Derbyhaven bay. I am told the translation of the Manx word Langness in to English translates to Long nose.


I am sitting here contemplating whether to have a bacon and sausage bap with brown sauce for breakfast, or whether head out to the flying club again for one of their full fantastic breakfasts, and the finest latté coffee I have ever tasted. Right that’s it, the flying club wins. If you are reading this blog Mark and Lara, get the frying pan on. I shall be there shortly.


Well the TT is over again for another year folks, and now the mass Exodus begins, although this year I don’t think there is a mass anything. I know that Government stats will shortly reveal how successful the TT has been. However, I have been surprised how easy it has been this year to book a meal or get in to places. We took ourselves off for a pub lunch on Thursday and we were the only people in the pub. I have known the pubs to be busier back in the old days, when they were closed on Sundays and only illegal drinking was taking place.


Last night the gathering took place, and I am pleased to report that everyone when home sober. I cannot go fishing today as my boatman Chris is playing with a doughnut. Someone in a fast boat is towing him from Port St. Mary to Port Erin. Well to be fair to the lad, he did offer me a ride on the doughnut but I declined. I might well end up mucking about with a doughnut later this morning, but it will be one of Ramsey bakery’s, and I will probably have less salt on mine than Chris will have on his.


I want to say a big hello to Julie and Malcolm now before I forget. They are new blog readers and dwell in Castletown. Also I would love to know how a copy of Manx Tails made its way to Brazil. Last night I received an email from Declan O Sullivan, provider of my expensive whiskey, who had just read my blog in the Manx tails magazine in Brazil. Strangely enough, there does appear to be something about Brazil. The day after I published my book which was only a local publication, the very first telephone call I received from a reader, was from a gentleman who had just read the book in Brazil. My book was not even in the shops over here at the time and I never asked him how the heck he got hold of it. If he is reading this blog now, then maybe he will email me at tomglassey@manx.net and explain. Well, a long shot maybe. But blimey, if he can get hold of a book that is not even in the shops over here, then surely finding my blog would be an absolute doddle for him.


Well people I think that just about brings us to a close for today. I am off now for that breakfast at the flying club. Until Monday then, this is Tom Glassey with News at don’t know, because bloody watch has stopped again, on the banks of the Silverburn River.


PS, I said that I believe that the TT numbers are down this year. I am sure the TT is safe for the time being folks. However, I think all of us have concerns when the government are at the helm. I enclose this warning below which has come my way thanks to my good friend Roger Waterworth.


Dakota tribal wisdom says· that when you discover you are riding a DEAD HORSE, the best strategy is to dismount. However, in some organizations like governments, universities, hospitals, large companies, school districts, etc., we often try other strategies like

• Buying a stronger whip.

• Changing riders.

• Saying things like "this is the way we have always ridden."

• Appointing a committee to study the horse.

• Arranging to visit other sites to see how they ride dead horses.

• Increasing the standards for riding dead horses.

• Appointing a tiger team to revive the dead horse.

• Creating a training session to increase our riding ability.

• Comparing the state of dead horses in today's environment.

• Pass a resolution declaring the "this horse is not dead."

• Blaming the horse's parents.

• Harnessing several dead horses together for increased speed.

• Declaring that, "No horse is too dead to beat."

• Providing additional funding to raise the horse's performance.

• Do a study to see if contractors can ride it cheaper.

• Declare the horse is "better, faster, and cheaper" dead.

• Form a quality circle to find uses for dead horses.

• Revisit the performance requirements for horses.

• Say this horse was procured with cost as an independent variable.

• Promote the dead horse to a supervisory position.

• Reclassifying the dead horse as 'living impaired'.

• Hiring outside contractors to ride the dead horse

• Do PDSA to see if lighter riders improve performance

• Declaring that as the dead horse does not have to be fed, it is less costly, carries lower overhead, and therefore contributes substantially more to the mission of the organisation than do some other horses

• Rewriting the expected performance requirements for all horses ...


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