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Tuesday July 15th



Good morning folks. It is just a tad on the wild side today, a stiff wind is blowing from the Northwest and high tide tonight at about 10.30 which means no fishing for me tonight. Well I am not really sure if I am up to fishing just yet. I think I just might struggle a little getting on and off the boat. However, another 24 hours and I will be even better than I am now. It is now 8 a.m and as of yet, I have neither breakfasted nor taken Skipper for his morning bounce along the Silverburn. I will probably do both in the middle writing this blog.


Thank you to Mairead who replied to my request for silly notices and news items that seem to be cropping up lately. Mairaid emailed to tell me that on Manx Radio’s news on Monday they reported that thieves had broken into the bike and toy shed at St.Thomas’s school and disturbed the bikes and toys. I turned my radio on at 1 p.m yesterday and yes, that is exactly what they said. How dare a bunch of thieves break into the bike shed and disturb the bikes and toys from their afternoon nap! Also Pam Allan emailed me from Middlesburough to say she spotted a notice which says “Thank you for noticing this new notice.”


This morning I am going to have to hang around for the postman. I am expecting a small parcel from the US. They called with it yesterday, but for whatever reason they thought I wasn’t in. I was but I didn’t hear any bell ring or door knock. Anyway we shall try again today. I wonder just how many people are going to be effected by what the postman brings today. Some I guess will discover they have a new job with much brighter prospects. Someone will be depressed because they have been turned down for a new job. Some will receive wealth and others just bloody bills. Whatever, many people’s lives will drastically change as a result of what the postman brings today. The postman probably changes or has a more profound effect on people’s lives than anyone else. I spent a brief period myself as a postman. It was during my time at the Royal Bank of Scotland. When they moved the bank’s switchboard to Jersey, I found myself with nothing to do. The bank didn’t seem to want to make me redundant so I was left to sort out myself. I invented the job of postman. It simply meant that 5 times a day I went up to the post room, gathered up the post and delivered it around the bank. I even went down to the post office and got myself a postbag so that I looked the real deal. One Christmas a mate of mine called in to the bank to see if I wanted a lift home. “Yes” I said “but I’ll just finish my round”. I finished my round and couldn’t be bothered putting my bag away on the top floor of the bank, so I just left the bank with the bag around my neck. On the way out someone gave me a bottle of whisky which I just shoved in the top of the bag with the neck of the bottle sticking out. My mate David had to collect something from a shop on Strand Street, so I waited outside the shop for him with the postbag around my neck and the bottle whisky sticking out of the top. I also had a white stick. Of course Strand Street was busy as it was Christmas Eve. As a postman I must have had a profound effect on one chap because, as he walked by I heard him say to his mate, “Bloody hell that does it for me, its no wonder all our flaming post is going astray, the post office have taken on a blind chap now, and he is on the bottle!”


Well folks, with that I will big you all farewell as it is now time for me, Babs and Skipper to head off to Ronaldsway Halt for our wander along the banks of the Silverburn River. I have always fancied walking the Silverburn River from its source to its mouth at Castletown harbour. I wonder if we could get this going and make it a sponsored walk for a charity. Let me know what you think and we will get on to it.


Bye for now though people, this is Tom Glassey with News at 8.30, on the banks of the Silverburn River.


PS, thankyou to Marla in Los Angeles for your email, I will be in touch with you shortly.


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