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Monday July 21st



Good day folks. I begin today by saying a big hello and welcome to Pauline in South Carolina USA. Pauline has emailed me and has become the latest blog reader from the US. She left Castletown with her husband Mike when Castle Indurstries went to the States and I am not sure when that was. We almost have as many US readers now as we do Manxies. Mind you, Pauline is very much a Manxie. Not only is she from my home town of Castletown, but from the same housing estate on Janet’s Corner. America of course is a truly wonderful country, and we have much to be grateful to them for. I would not be sitting here writing this blog if it was not for the American computer buff who invented or created the software for me to be able to read a computer screen, and write on a computer keyboard. I would not be able to navigate my boat if it were not for the talking navigation system I use on board.


There are of course many other reasons I, and many others are indebted to the USA. Just after I had been diagnosed with cancer, a very kind person offered to pay for me to be sent to the US and be treated. I thanked them and declined the offer. I have no doubt that I would have received top class treatment in the US. However, America’s graveyards are not full of centenarians. If you believe that the grass is greener elsewhere, then you will probably always believe that, wherever you are and you will never find rest, or be at peace. America is a great country, if you are wealthy, and healthy. However, I think it is not quite so attractive if you are sick and poor.


I heard on the news this morning that because of rising fuel prices some people are having central heating oil nicked from their tanks, and coal from their bunkers. I recall an occasion back in the 60’s when I lived on Janet’s Corner. Someone had been swiping coal from our coal cellar. I decided to surprise my Dad and catch the culprit, so I stayed awake one night listening for a noise out the back although I think I must have nodded off. However on waking at around 3 in the morning, I could hear a noise out the back, so I dashed from my bed in a bid to nail the so and so. It was a windy night. I picked up a shovel at the back door and opened the door very quietly so as not to disturb the thief. I could hear a plastic bag rustling in the yard which I thought was the thief making off with our coal. I rushed at where the noise was coming from with shovel at the ready, only to crash head first in to the iron railings at the end of the yard that the plastic bag had been blowing up against in the wind. I am glad it was 3 in the morning. At least that meant that no one else had heard me shout. “Got ya, you bloody so and so!” as I rushed the rails with the shovel.


Well that’s it for today folks. I have been out walking this morning from Ronaldway to the waterfall and back. I will of course be back on station tomorrow. But for now, this is Tom Glassey with News where time doesn’t matter, on the banks of the Silverburn river.


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