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Thursday July 31



So here we are on the last day of July. It’s a sort of special day for me. Today for the first time since I returned from Clatterbridge, I walked Skipper around the park alone. Yes it was and still is raining, but at least I really do feel now that things just might be starting to get back to normal, whatever normal is.


My friend David from across the road called the other night to tell me that he had booked a cruise on the Queen Mary for next September. He and his wife and a couple of friends will cross the Atlantic, then cruise along the East coast of North America and return to Southhampton. He wanted to know if I cared to come with them. For many years my dream was one day to cross the Atlantic by sea. When I was a child in Liverpool I would spend many a day just hanging around the Pier head, yearning to step aboard some of those fantastic ships and sail away to pastures new. I turned down David’s invitation to cross the Atlantic with him, not only on the grounds of cost grounds, but through the years my goals have changed. There was a time when I wanted to make as much money as possible. I wanted to sign up as many clients as I could. I wanted to own the best boat I could afford, and so on. Today that has all changed. Recent events have taught me a great deal about life than I ever learned from any book or teacher. I now wake up each morning and I am so grateful to be able to get up and take the dog for a walk. To wake up free of pain, and above all, to wake up with hope and count my blessings, rather than dwell on how I might increase them. A cruise on the Queen Mary is no longer a target; I’m far from convinced I would even enjoy it. Getting dressed up every night and dining on the finest foods just doesn’t appeal to me, mind you, I don’t think that side of it ever did. I simply wanted to sail across the Atlantic and would have been happy to do it on a coal boat. Today, walking the dog, taking a trip on my own fishing boat in Castletown Bay, or simply having a day out on the Ayres will make me just as happy if not happier. Yesterday I had a visit from a couple who follow the blog over in Derbyshire, Northwest England. Tony was recent diagnosed with cancer. He has now been told to basically go home and try to enjoy the rest of his life as it would seem very little can be done for him. His tumour is to close to his heart for him to have chemo or radiotherapy. Tony has simply accepted his prognosis and is getting on with the rest of his life, however long that might be. He remains upbeat and his wonderful wife Jean is keeping his spirits in good shape. I only hope that should I ever be faced with their dilemma, that I will be able to face it with half their fortitude. Strangely enough, as I stood outside my front gate the other day, I got talking to a couple who just happened to be passing. They were from Warrington and were on a daytrip to Castletown. We chatted for about 10 minutes at the gate and then they went on their merry way to the train station. It turns out that they are staying in the same hotel as Tony and Jean, and when they got back to base, over dinner they explained to Tony and Jean that they had been to Castletown and met this couple called Tom and Barbara. Yes the very same couple that Tony and Jean were coming out to see yesterday.


Now then for those of you that are interested, the cruise ship Black Prince sailed for Liverpool over night and arrived there at 8.30 this morning.


Well until tomorrow then folks, this is Tom Glassey with News at where time doesn’t matter on the banks of the Siverburn River.


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