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Tuesday August 19th



Grocer Jack was one of the few people not upset by the supermarket that had just set-up on the outskirts of the village. On the opening day he took a gander over to check it out. On spotting a large sign at the entrance to the super market that was advertising, "Bacon two shillings a pound," he immediately turned round and headed back to his shop. He wasted no time in putting up a sign advertising, "Bacon one and sixpence a pound." The next day the supermarket changed its sign to read, "Bacon one shilling a pound." Jack like-wise changed the sign above his shop to read, "Bacon sixpence a pound." The following day the manager of the supermarket came out to visit Jack. "Jack," he began, "we have to do something about this bacon price war, if we carry on like this, soon we will both be out of business!" "Well, maybe you will," replied Jack, "but not me. I don't sell bacon!!!"


I heard this story from that wonderful old farmer, Harvey Briggs from Onchan, many years ago. Life is full of David and Goliath stories and I guess it's heartening to know that the mighty can, and sometimes do, fall....


This is Tom Glassey on the dry banks of the Silverburn River.


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