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Friday August 29th



Hi people. Well this is just a very short blog whilst Barbara has nipped out with Skipper. I saw the consultant yesterday and he is sending me for a head scan. I’m not keen on a head scan but I guess I will just have to go along with whatever they say for now. Sadly there will not be a gathering tonight but hopefully we will have one tomorrow night. The consultant said that after my scan he might have to put me on steroids. He has a weird accent and I thought he said he was going to give me a load of stair rods. I could not imagine why he felt I had the need for a box of stair rods. Well folks sorry this is so short but I have to be sort of nippy this morning. I am pretty sure I will be back to normal tomorrow.


This is Tom Glassey, sitting tight on the banks of the Silverburn River.


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