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Thursday September 11th



Well yesterday I began the day feeling really good. I managed a walk in the morning and again in the evening. I began to go down hill fast just after dinner and had to retire to bed. I was looking forward to listening to the England match last night so with my radio turned on and relaxed in my bed for the match. When I next focussed England had won 4-1 and 5live were crackling on about the big bang theory. I once was actually present when a big bang took place. I and my two brothers were at home and we would have been about 6 years old. An Irishman had called at the house though I can’t remember why. Anyhow mother could not get rid of him and he had managed to reduce us kids to tears. All of a sudden Dad turned up and mother explained that this guy simply wouldn’t leave and he’s got the kids crying. I remember the guy shouting “I am a former professional boxer so you better be careful.” as dad picked him up. The next thing we knew was our Boxer chap was flying through the front door, and as he sailed through the air Billy Kennaugh the baker from Winkles was coming up the garden path with a tray of bread and cakes. Our Irish friend sent the bread and cakes flying all over the pavement and poor old Billy lay in a crumpled heap on the garden path. As far as I know, our Irish boxer friend is still running and the good folk of King Williams Way feasted on free fresh bread and cakes for the next couple of days. I bet when this bunch of scientists have finished larking about in Switzerland, the locals don’t end up feasting on bread and cakes. That was the big bang on the Janet’s Corner housing estate back in about 1959.


Until next time then folks this is Tom Glassey on the banks of the Silverburn River.


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