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Monday October 20th



I am not a motor racing fan however, yesterday I found myself listening to the race on the radio. It seems Lewis Hamilton was about to make a pit stop when he received a text message which read. “Lewis if you are calling at the garage, can you pick me up a twix!” I believe his pit stop lasted about 6 seconds, so if he did manage to collect a twix he did well, not to mention the girl who served him. I know from my own experience that Barbara has never managed to fill our car with petrol, change all four tyres and collect a loaf of bread in anything close to 6 seconds. It is very easy though to send a text message to the wrong person. I once sent a text message to my boatman only I typed in the wrong number and someone called Ian in Douglas received my message asking him to have my boat ready on the Gluepot steps at 3 p.m, as we are sailing for Port St. Mary. I don’t know why, but Ian decided to invite the bishop along for the trip. As it turned out, neither Ian nor the Bishop turned up for the voyage. I guess one of the most famous messages to be misinterpreted was a message that was sent over the air waves during the 1st World war back to head quarters. The message was interpreted as saying. “Send 2 and fourpence, we are going to a dance!” The message actually was “Send reinforcements, we are going to advance!”


Well on this wild and stormy day folks that is just about it from me, so until tomorrow, this is Tom Glassey on the banks of the Silverburn River.



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