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Bean Me Day 1



Well I started out with a new experience for me, a coffee at Indigo Red on the way to work. It was some Latte thing and was very pleasant. Al seems quite well.In work I was made my standard tankard of Tea by one of the kind ladies I work with - bit of a setback as I couldn;t not drink it but I went and made myself a swift mug of Nescafe's finest to compensate.... this hit me quite hard and I started to feel pretty light headed.I managed a 3rd cup at 11 and started to feel quite sick.... in fact I had one of those horrible burp cum vomit moments and enjoyed the fresh aroma of beany bile... anyways... I'm much happier now and will scamper off to spill the profits... err... beans and have some wierd drink for lunch. 4 down at 2pm.... This is going to be hard work.


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