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Rude Awakening...


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Imagine you're woken up by strange noises in the early hours of the morning. Then imagine you venture from your bedroom to find someone ransacking your house - proper burglary in progress, swag bag and all. Not how I imagined my sunday to start, but that's what just happened a couple of hours ago. There goes my last belief in the safe Isle of Man...


On the good side: top top marks for manx police - here within a couple of minutes, literally. Actually felt even faster than that - bloody quick by any standards. Four bobbies storming the place and even more cars & bobbies arriving shortly after. Although the uninvited guest had already departed, it seems a short search of the neighbourhood proved successful and someone's having breakfast at that building near the grandstand this morning.


So that's my sunday ruined - at least it's sunny outside, ey? :huh:

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There goes my last belief in the safe Isle of Man...


...On the good side: top top marks for manx police - here within a couple of minutes, literally. Actually felt even faster than that - bloody quick by any standards. Four bobbies storming the place and even more cars & bobbies arriving shortly after. Although the uninvited guest had already departed, it seems a short search of the neighbourhood proved successful and someone's having breakfast at that building near the grandstand this morning.


Horrible experience I'm sure, but perhaps your belief in the safe Isle of Man should be bolstered by the fact that the police react in such a manner and the little toe-rag is now in a cell? In the UK you'd wait a few hours for a copper to turn up and give you a crime number for your insurance company. My in-laws were burgled a few years ago, the police couldn't have been less interested. The fact that they were elderly, didn't have contents insurance cut no ice. The neighbour actually secured the property and we had to go to the station to insist that someone took finger prints, which they reluctantly did (we'd been told we could tidy up before anyone came to look for prints because it "wouldn't matter".


As I say, I'm sorry for your trauma but think it is still safer here than in most places.

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Imagine you're woken up by strange noises in the early hours of the morning. Then imagine you venture from your bedroom to find someone ransacking your house - proper burglary in progress, swag bag and all. Not how I imagined my sunday to start, but that's what just happened a couple of hours ago. There goes my last belief in the safe Isle of Man...


On the good side: top top marks for manx police - here within a couple of minutes, literally. Actually felt even faster than that - bloody quick by any standards. Four bobbies storming the place and even more cars & bobbies arriving shortly after. Although the uninvited guest had already departed, it seems a short search of the neighbourhood proved successful and someone's having breakfast at that building near the grandstand this morning.


So that's my sunday ruined - at least it's sunny outside, ey? :huh:


Sorry for your trouble Amadeus, instances such as this are rare on the IOM, crime is under control, down 30% except for anti social behaviour.

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Horrible experience I'm sure, but perhaps your belief in the safe Isle of Man should be bolstered by the fact that the police react in such a manner and the little toe-rag is now in a cell? In the UK you'd wait a few hours for a copper to turn up and give you a crime number for your insurance company. My in-laws were burgled a few years ago, the police couldn't have been less interested. The fact that they were elderly, didn't have contents insurance cut no ice. The neighbour actually secured the property and we had to go to the station to insist that someone took finger prints, which they reluctantly did (we'd been told we could tidy up before anyone came to look for prints because it "wouldn't matter".


As I say, I'm sorry for your trauma but think it is still safer here than in most places.

I guess you have a point - little anyone can do about individuals intent on doing things like this, but at least the response was good. Everyone, from the control room operator who stayed on the phone with me until he could hear police had entered the house, to the bobbies themselves who not only entered swiftly & forcefully, but also raced straight off again, searched the area and caught the suspect in what can't have been more than 20 minutes from the time of the call. Positively impressed there.

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that had to have been the perfect picture moment catching him in the act :cool:


jokes aside its good the cops turned up so quick and they got him. just a pitty that he prob get a slap on the wrist and let away with it.

so how did he get in!!!

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Glad you are OK Amadeus, and hope that you didn't lose anything of value to you. Can't be a nice feeling that a stranger has been rummaging through your personal stuff :(

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good stuff amadeus, it could be time you took an interest in baseball and kept a few items of memorabilia around the place? make sure you get a glove and a ball too to justify the bat ;) a picture of Joe Dimaggio wouldn't hurt either...

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good stuff amadeus, it could be time you took an interest in baseball and kept a few items of memorabilia around the place? make sure you get a glove and a ball too to justify the bat ;) a picture of Joe Dimaggio wouldn't hurt either...


Or a bloody big dog.


Feel for you. Did you confront them or just confirm they were in the house?


Are the laws in the IOM different to the UK with regards to self defense in the home?

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Imagine you're woken up by strange noises in the early hours of the morning. Then imagine you venture from your bedroom to find someone ransacking your house - proper burglary in progress, swag bag and all. Not how I imagined my sunday to start, but that's what just happened a couple of hours ago. There goes my last belief in the safe Isle of Man...


On the good side: top top marks for manx police - here within a couple of minutes, literally. Actually felt even faster than that - bloody quick by any standards. Four bobbies storming the place and even more cars & bobbies arriving shortly after. Although the uninvited guest had already departed, it seems a short search of the neighbourhood proved successful and someone's having breakfast at that building near the grandstand this morning.


So that's my sunday ruined - at least it's sunny outside, ey? :huh:


Shocking, what a horrible start to the day. Don't know how I would react in that situation, its OK people saying attack them, but if it happened to them what would they really do? Its a totally alien experience to most. Good to hear the Po;ice got them and no damage/loss Amadeus?

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Imagine you're woken up by strange noises in the early hours of the morning. Then imagine you venture from your bedroom to find someone ransacking your house - proper burglary in progress, swag bag and all. Not how I imagined my sunday to start, but that's what just happened a couple of hours ago. There goes my last belief in the safe Isle of Man...


On the good side: top top marks for manx police - here within a couple of minutes, literally. Actually felt even faster than that - bloody quick by any standards. Four bobbies storming the place and even more cars & bobbies arriving shortly after. Although the uninvited guest had already departed, it seems a short search of the neighbourhood proved successful and someone's having breakfast at that building near the grandstand this morning.


So that's my sunday ruined - at least it's sunny outside, ey? :huh:

Having people like that access your home is truly horrid and the memory will, unfortunately stay with you for a while.


The police seemed to have been excellent though.


But where are the usual Amadeus photos of the police cars attending the scene?

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But where are the usual Amadeus photos of the police cars attending the scene?

Only got one - priorities lay elsewhere for a change :)




Shocking, what a horrible start to the day. Don't know how I would react in that situation, its OK people saying attack them, but if it happened to them what would they really do? Its a totally alien experience to most. Good to hear the Po;ice got them and no damage/loss Amadeus?

Attack wasn't really an option as I wasn't attacked as such - retreat & phoning 999 seemed the most logical thing to do and worked out well.


Still checking for loss, etc, and waiting for police to return - I guess the news would say "It could have been worse".

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But where are the usual Amadeus photos of the police cars attending the scene?


Some low life had legged it with his camera! :rolleyes:


Must admit, two large German Shepherd dogs mean I'm generally quite relaxed when it comes to being a potential target.

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