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DOI - The Ministry of Silly Hats

Thomas Jefferson

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Those people whose job it is to snoop around the Promenade giving out parking tickets -- why do they wear those funny-looking hats? What practical purpose do they serve? I saw one of them wearing their hat yesterday and it was a perfectly sunny day. They don't even contain any sort of emblem or writing, they're plain black.


Do they wear the hats to make them look a bit taller and to convey an air of officialdom and authority?


As a taxpayer, I object to the government using my tax money to fund ways to accessorise their minions in a way that perpetuates the illusion that the government is above us ordinary taxpayers. Sovereignty, power and authority belong to the people, not the state. They are public servants, not overlords -- and they need to remember that.

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Those people whose job it is to snoop around the Promenade giving out parking tickets -- why do they wear those funny-looking hats? What practical purpose do they serve? I saw one of them wearing their hat yesterday and it was a perfectly sunny day. They don't even contain any sort of emblem or writing, they're plain black.


Do they wear the hats to make them look a bit taller and to convey an air of officialdom and authority?


As a taxpayer, I object to the government using my tax money to fund ways to accessorise their minions in a way that perpetuates the illusion that the government is above us ordinary taxpayers. Sovereignty, power and authority belong to the people, not the state. They are public servants, not overlords -- and they need to remember that.

Could be worse, they could be issued with Busbysthumbsup.gif

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Busbys - yes, that is what they need. Its only a matter of time before someone fails to see a traffic warden and runs them over, perhaps they should also be given a full hi viz suit made of the same material as the hats. Oh yes.

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Busbys - yes, that is what they need. Its only a matter of time before someone fails to see a traffic warden and runs them over, perhaps they should also be given a full hi viz suit made of the same material as the hats. Oh yes.

If they want to do a job that involves behaving like a twat,then it only seems right they should dress for the occasion.

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I used to, and still do, detest taxi drivers and their antics.

100% ignorant bastards.

If you know what I mean.


I agree. They're always speeding, they don't give way, they don't slow down to avoid splashing pedestrians on rainy days, and they're ALWAYS parking on bus stops. And that's aside from them being rip off merchants -- £30 to get to Ronaldsway??!! No chance!!! And the funny thing is, they have this mannerism about them when you go to pay htem as if you're shortchanging them and they've somehow done you a favour by ripping you off.

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Let's all have a go at the people - ordinary people being paid to do a job - who are most disliked by those selfish and inconsiderate motorists who think it reasonable to occupy a free parking space for far longer than anyone else; the ones who think that the incredibly generous amount of free parking time in the town centre (compared to almost anywhere else) is simply not enough for anyone as important as they are.


I think most of the people being fined are people who just forget once or twice in their entire life to put their parking disc on display because they were preoccupied with other things or in a rush. There are plenty of specific places where inconsiderate motorists routinely break the rules in a way that is genuinely a nuisance to others, yet these people are nowhere to be seen. Why is that?

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Oh dear! Sunday morning wit. And what an incredibly difficult subject to exercise it on!


Let's all have a go at the people - ordinary people being paid to do a job - who are most disliked by those selfish and inconsiderate motorists who think it reasonable to occupy a free parking space for far longer than anyone else; the ones who think that the incredibly generous amount of free parking time in the town centre (compared to almost anywhere else) is simply not enough for anyone as important as they are.


If everyone had more than a couple of operative brain cells, plus a modicum of consideration for other motorists, there would simply be no need for parking wardens. I have zero amount of sympathy for anyone who receives such a parking fine - and I have zero amount of respect for their intelligence. If they are really and truly incapable of reading the notices; if they are incapabletelling the time; if they are too dumb to pick up a free parking disc, or if they're so dumb that they think an extra 15 or 20 minutes in the parking spot won't matter because no one's going to want it, are they? - then they deserve all they get!


I hope the tickets are given out to as many offenders as possible because - IT'S THEIR OWN FAULT!

It isn't quite as simple and clear cut as your post suggests. over the last 3 years there has been a deliberate effort to maximise revenue stream from this source (another stealth tax).


What is now happening is tickets are being issued in residential areas in an opportunistic chancer fashion that does not fit with the original spirit of the act or it's intended purpose.


They have become nothing more than radio active Dick Turpins.

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I used to, and still do, detest taxi drivers and their antics.

100% ignorant bastards.

If you know what I mean.


I know what you mean. It's a shame they are not forced to wear hats, then you wouldn't have to see their greasy thinning hair, and the dandruff softly tumbling around their shoulders every time they hit a pothole. Symptoms of a life spent in claustrophobic mobility. If only they invented a hat to mask the stench of thwarted ambition.

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Parking fines for not having road tax, thats an irritant if ever there was one. Its not like you can get away with no road tax, even if you do forget to renew it when you do they back date it so you did actually have road tax, which is why the sneaky dirts have made not displaying a current tax disc a fineable crime, asshole thieves.

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